I received a big surprise in the post box on Friday. It was a handmade Mother’s Day card from one of my blog readers!! This is the same lady who made me a Mother’s Day card last year! Last year, the card was pink and the hand-sewn alphabet on the card was the letter ‘S’. This year, the card is cream in color and the letter (hand sewn cross stitch work) is ‘H’. I was wondering why she chose the letter ‘H’. I thought H meant HAPPY, as in a mother is happy or Happy Mother’s Day. But my guesses were wrong. H signifies the second letter in my name SHIREEN!! And she told me that next year I will be receiving the next alphabet in my name for Mother’s Day! I am intensely moved by your thoughtful gesture, ST. Your card makes me feel that all that I have been doing as a mother and blogger has been appreciated by someone not related to me. Thank you very much for the lovely card
This morning, I received a surprise the moment I stepped into the house after my return from the gym at 8am. Rascal #2 had prepared this Mother’s Day set, comprising of a Mother’s Day’ painting that she did herself and the type of food that I would normally eat for breakfast, which are oranges (she cut the orange up herself and thank God she did not cut her finger again!), a mug of green tea and granola with milk and….. CUCUMBERS! Gawd, how could she have added cucumbers into the bowl of granola with milk? She even added chia seeds and nestum into the bowl of granola and she told me to eat that bowl of stuff! How can I stomach up that bowl of health freak stuff? I’m fine with granola with nestum, milk and chia seeds but with cool cucumbers in it, gosh, sorry sweetie, mummy just could not stomach up that bowl of stuff But I was overwhelmed with love and thoughtfulness from that rascal. Of the 3 girls, she’s the only one who wished me Happy Mother’s Day first thing in the morning and gave me a surprise
And this is the Mother’s Day cake that the hubs bought from our favorite bakery – RT Pastry House. It’s a very fresh and sumptuous black sesame macaron cake, which is the newest flavor to their line of tasteful cakes. This cake was a surprise too as he had told me in the morning that there would not be any cake this year. This man of mine gets so high pulling my leg and seeing me in disappointment and then gives me a surprise!! I was fine without a cake as I was too busy doing revision with Aly and Sher (their Mid-Term exam starts from tomorrow) and was not really in a mood to let my hand down to enjoy my day. So when he came back with this cake, I was pleasantly surprised too
Here’s wishing all you supermoms out there a very happy Mother’s Day and I hope you’ve all enjoyed your special day
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