The big girl had a major meltdown this morning from 6am right through to lunch time! I had blogged that her fever had subsided yesterday but at around 6ish pm, her temperature shot up to 38.6 degrees Celsius again but she was not feeling uncomfortable. She felt pretty normal and had pretty good appetite. Only her body was very warm, which was partly aggravated by the melting hot weather with a temp. of 35 degrees yesterday. So the hubs forbade her from going to school.
This morning, when the hubs stopped Alycia from going to school, he unknowingly opened the Pandora’s Box! Alycia threw into a horrible fit of rage! She sobbed and wailed and pleaded for us to allow her to go to school. But the hubs said “NO” and no means no, period! The big girl bawled uncontrollably which made her daddy angrier. Thank goodness there is always the indulgent grandma to ‘sayang’ the big girl and pulled her back to her bedroom and tried to comfort her. The brouhaha this morning was something that is happening pretty often of late. I had blogged in one of my earlier posts that lately, this big girl is having a hard time managing her emotions and the manner in which she talks to us. Long story cut short, the big girl went back to bed and cried herself back to sleep. When she woke up, she was still angry with all of us and put on the longest, sulkiest face ever *facepalm*!!
After sending off rascal #2 this morning, I jogged to the mobile market to get a packet of yee mein and prawns to prepare the big girl’s favorite noodles dish for lunch.
A mother knows best. After this delish lunch of yee mein cooked with prawns, squids, fish balls, chicken fillet, veggie and egg sauce, the big girl’s mood was lifted up instantly!
They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and I think this adage holds true for kids too! 😉
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She is at her growing up stage. Luckily, this smart mummy cooked her favourite noodles. haha
I hope she is getting better by now, and can go to school tomorrow.
She is a tween! It takes a lot of patience to deal with the mood swings and irrational behaviour. She is also at a vulnerable age, so she needs a lot of support and reassurance. I went thru this with my str too. The best way to deal with this is to spend one-on-one time with her, gain her trust, talk about acceptable behaviours only when she is in a “good” mood. Anyways, also explain she cannot go to school when unwell/ running a fever as she can infect her friends (altho frankly, I’m sure that’s how she got sick!).
Chris, yeah we did — the hubs, the mil and I did explain to her why she shouldn’t go to school. But she just shut both her ears and kept repeating that she wasn’t sick and wanted to go to school! *slap forehead*
Hmm…she may have something on in school that day i.e. plans with friends? a special event in school?
You can ask her why after she’s finished her favourite meal 🙂
I find that after some one-to-one time with No. 1, he’s happier.
Looks sooo yummy!
I think no one can hold that anger for long after eating your delicious cooking! What did you put in for the sauce? Can ask?
Irene, the sauce composed of soy sauce, oyster sauce, garlic, pepper, corn flour, eggs and water. You brown the garlic first, then add in the meat and veggie, add the seasoning and lastly, mix some corn starch with water and add into the ‘liu’. Finally beat up 2 eggs and pour inside the mixture.
mmm .. yee mee .. I have not had it for a long time .. too bad I forgot to pack a few packs before flying back .. 🙁