Today is a school-going day for Alycia and Sherilyn. It is a replacement school day for the holiday given on Qing Ming (All Souls Day) 2 weeks ago. Everyone at home was up at 5:45am today — while Alycia and Sherilyn were getting themselves ready, the MIL’s iPad buzzed as she had a Skype video call from her youngest daughter who lives in Hawaii. So the MIL and the 3 girls chatted with koo koo and me, I was busy as usual getting some house chores done before rushing Aly and Sher down to catch the school van.
After my morning exercise, the hubs tied Cass’ hair while I had my shower. And off we went to the nearby coffee shop for breakkie.
Someone’s beer belly has shrunk!! Can you see in the picture? So glad that he finally had the determination to go all out to shed the pounds by working really hard in the gym and donning on his Speedo mens swimwear to swim laps at the pool!
From the outside of the coffee shop, we saw an entourage of people donning on red uniforms and paparazzis with huge cameras. We could already guess that it was some MPs making their rounds to mingle with the Rakyat.
Can you spot Teresa Kok in pink? She was distributing her Party’s bulletin and rooting for support.
Teresa Kok was walking from table to table with her supporters holding a box to collect donation. One of her supporters gave Cass this …
Miniature doll fighters…. fighting for Teresa Kok!
… and she asked if we would like to take pix with Teresa. I politely declined as I did not want our photo to appear in the newspapers since the paparazzis were following her as she took pix with the patrons at the coffee shop. I can’t wait for the election to be over. Everyday, my Facebook wall is flooded with news, party war and gossips on GE13. Every Tom, Dick and Harry is talking about it. My friends and the hubs’ friends are all talking about it. Some are hard core supporters with flags and banners hung all over their house compounds. Even kids are talking about it and seem to be very savvy about what’s going on. Even Alycia and her classmates are talking about GE13 as one of her classmates is the son of a prominent Datuk who is an MP… and this classmate has been telling Alycia and his friends about his worry should his father lose in the election *facepalm*!!
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Sorry, I don’t vote in Msia but I think Teresa seems a bit vain to have dolls made in her likeness! I so agree your declining to have your pic taken.
I still vividly remember how worried I was (as a young child) when my dad was a ADUN candidate way back in 1982 (remember Bersih, Cekap & Amanah and the 2 M’s?). The idea that your parent is not infallible and might face rejection is not easy to cope with at any age.
Kids nowsaday keep abreast of the latest news, which is good ..
So sweet to see your hubs trying to tie Cassie’s hair ..