Here’s the fuss-free, sweat-free and easy to prep dinner that I dished out yesterday.
Roast chicken drumsticks (chopped into bite size) with garlic, onion, tomato and red bell pepper. In the morning, I marinated the chicken with HP sauce, soy sauce, Manuka honey, pepper, mixed herbs and some left over red wine in the fridge. Don’t worry, my kids were still sober after their dinner of red wine roast chicken lol!
Blanched organic baby okra and ‘night flower’ veggie, drizzled with Japanese Goma sauce.
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Simple but wholesome meal. When I steam chicken, I like adding some brandy and I had this dish a lot when I was pregnant with Ian, lazy mah and it’s so easy to prepare. 🙂
I see you used tin foil…much easier clean-up. That meal is something I’d do except make more and have it again the next day. I have never seen coconut flowers before, must try it next trip back. Leftover red wine is so handy…next time put it in spaghetti sauce. It imparts a nice flavour and no one knows what it is!
I have ran out of idea what to serve for dinner every time I get home after work, with limited time to prepare and cook, my kids & hubby are not pleased with my cooking most of the time. I like your idea of meal in a pot idea..thanks for sharing.
Wow! what a lovely dish! I bet your kids ate them all!