Sherilyn vs. Alycia

Sherilyn, albeit younger than Alycia eats way more than Alycia.  Each night, Sherilyn will request that she wants several types of snacks in her lunch box. If there is homemade cake, she will ask for 1 (sometimes 2 or 3 slices) and some biscuits too.  If I am making sandwiches, she wants about 4-5 pieces of triangular cut pieces, which is equivallent to 2.5 slices of regular sized bread.  For Alycia, she is the exact opposite.   She does not like to be seen with a lunch box (and definitely not a pink lunch box or a girlish lunch bag), she only wants snacks that she can gobble down in the quickest possible time.  She always tells me that since she is a school prefect, she has not much time to enjoy her food, not even when the prefects are let off 5 minutes earlier to eat first.

The pink lunch box is Sherilyn’s and the green one is Alycia’s.  Sherilyn even requested for a packet of Dutch Lady chocolate flavored milk but I said no, lest she threw up as she had just only recently recovered from fever with vomiting.

My mil’s homemade banana muffins and homemade wholemeal bread.

No. of times viewed = 331


  1. The muffins really look good. My girl also stop me to prepare her big portion food. Not that she cannot eat but because she eat too slow and always unable to finish her bento.

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