My 8.5YO daughter taking after me — reading while eating. She can spend an hour eating and reading (either own story books, school library books or newspapers) at the same time. And then adjourn to the throne and spend another hour reading there. Coz she knows that after her lunch and shower, she is not allowed to read story books anymore as it’s the time reserved for homework or Mandarin tuition. Time is really not enough on school-going days for leisure reading.
Alycia poring in The Umbrella Man.
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My book maniacs read during meals too much to their father’s chagrin but what to do, when mum reads…., they read before leaving the house, as soon as they get in the house, before bed and any other time they can squeeze in when not doing homework. In fact, they’re both reading now while coughing away.
MG, haha, my girls are the same. They fight over who gets to read The Star everyday!
I am impressed by Alycia’s reading habit. I am always happy to see kids reading a lot.
Do NOT ever stop kids from reading!! It is true gift! And we were talking before abt disciplining the kids, and here is another way of “rewarding” them….trips to buy books for good behaviour, and conversely, limit free reading time for bad behaviour. I do not, however, allow reading at the dinner table. Took a bit of work to achieve; prefer we have some civil conversation at meal times and teach kids how to interact.
It is a good hobby…
Wait till their get to secondary level and
even less time. My book lover Abhijay reads while travelling in the car, waiting for food at the restaurant, throne (most fav!) as hardly got time to read leisurely. Me the same even while waiting at the traffic lights (the ones with the count down numbers).
Very good to have reading habit since young.
such a good habit. Keep it up, Alycia.