Guess whose work of art and creativity this was from….
I was fuming mad when I saw the vandalized eraser, with staple bullets all over it. All 3 rascals were highly suspicious but the person who did it was the least in my suspicion list. 2 weeks later, I saw another eraser with the same work of art on it. I was in a rage I tell you, burning angry becoz this rascal had yet to learn how to care for and appreciate her belongings, that were all bought from her parents’ hard-earned money. This rascal seems to have a fetish on erasers…. she keeps buying them yet those erasers seem to have been fully used very quickly or lost all the time! She never fails to persuade me to buy her an eraser each time we are out shopping. She always gives me excuses that her other erasers do not leave a clean surface on the paper after erasing. She also always tells me that her sisters had damaged or lost her erasers. With this repeated ‘vandalism’ on her erasers, I told her that this act of mischief will mark the end of her eraser collection and she will have to use her boxful of erasers and take good care of them before I decide to lift the eraser ‘ban’ from her!
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My son vandalize his eraser too. He likes to poke with his sharp pencil. I wonder what was so fun.
We have a stationery drawer where all pencils, erasers, sharpeners etc are kept and I buy brands and types that are tested and proven of good quality by my boy himself.
He used to vandalize and ‘operate’ on his stationeries and buy unnecessary stuff when he got his first taste of money power but guess my “long-winded” nagging kinda worked on him. 🙂
The eraser looks familiar! Haha… You are not alone, my eldest does all sort to her erasers too
Looks like I’m not the only one who’s having a mischievous child hehe…
hahaha..mine doesn’t vandalise eraser but keeps loosing it and bringing back erasers that I never bought for her O.o.
Is it the work of Alycia?
What a beautiful piece of art!!!
Just wondering this erase belong to who…? Baby C?
Who’s incredible job?? haha if me I think I’ll staple that eraser fully with bullet and ask her to rub with it. Let her learn a lesson.
Maybe children are curious. Ryan will erase everything and anything with his eraser until I ban him using the eraser ….
poor erasers….OUCH OUCH!!!