This is the collection of figurines and Lego owned by my 8-year old. Dolls and soft toys are definitely out of her interest. Jewelry and vanity accessories too. I think she must have been influenced by her male classmates and also her daddy! Yep her daddy still buys guns, character figurines, miniature air planes and other toys that he was deprived of owning when he was a little boy. Now, he is buying them all to fill up the missing piece of puzzle since his boyhood haha!
Star Wars Lego.. which cost over a hundred Ringgit. Lego constructed into a KLCC, cars, robots and don’t know what!
Collectible air planes, which daddy bought recently…
And Alycia’s latest collection of One Piece figurines. One Piece are Japanese Manga warrior cartoon characters. They are sold at over RM20 each at Tokyo Street and only RM20 for a packet of 6 figurines at a toys wholesaler at Petaling Street.
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Your collection is very nice. My son was attracted to your Star Wars Lego. I hope he doesn’t bug me to buy. Legos are really overpriced…. though I must admit it’s really nice.
Awesome collection especially the Lego Star Wars. I have dreamed of owning one of those but they’re too expensive.
Nice collections..I love those figurines…my hubby loves to collect them too.
Alycia likes airplane?? She is one tom boy hor … don’t worry, she will change when the hormone hits her during teenage years … anyway, you have 2 vain pots .. let Alycia has all the boy toys.. as long as she likes it, why not?!
what a great collection!