I just have to put this on record as this is too cute.
Over dinner just now:
Alycia – I don’t want to get married when I grow up. Cassandra, you don’t get married too ok?
Me – Baby, you told mummy you want to get married when you grow up right? You told me you want to have your own babies, then mummy will be a granny and granny will be a great-granny right?
Baby then nods her head approvingly and giggles…
Later at the dining table, Alycia was trying very hard to influence Cassandra to change her mind, so that she will join her as spinsters LOL!
Alycia – Cassandra, you don’t get married ok? We use our money to buy a big bungalow and stay together ok? We go to the cinema together, go watch movies, buy pop corns, go swimming, go Gentings and go shopping ok?
Baby – what if we get lost?
Alycia – haiyoh, we will be adults that time, we won’t get lost, crazy you!
Sherilyn – hey, I want to join you shopping too. I want to get married. Berlyn (Sherilyn’s best friend) also wants to get married. We will bring our babies and go shopping with you ok?
… and the funny conversation on getting married vs remaining single continues until now, as I am typing this entry LOL!!
Here are some pix taken at Bangsar Village today. We had lunch at Buffalo Kitchen (runs by Buffalo – the stainless steel and pressure cook pot specialist) and then had dessert at Haagan Dazs.
Our plate of sinful indulgence, which was a good deal at only RM29 – 6 scoops of ice cream of different flavors (including 2 sorbet flavors).
Baby’s appetite is always ravenous when it comes to desserts. She gobbled down the ice cream like she had never eaten ice cream in her life and the consequences was disastrous. She spewed out the regurgitated ice cream and pasta like lava onto the ice cream plate when everything was polished off !
And I could afford a nice indulgence as I had burned over 300 calories this morning on the road and in the gym
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din know that buffalo even have their own restaurant /cafe now! Great moments to spend with the kids
When Sherilyn mentioned she wanna married, have baby and shop with her best fren it remind me the book that i have read. hahaha…..Shopaholic and baby.
Celine, really? Is there such a book?
Alycia might end up the first one that get married….haha…
I also enjoyed the conversation between my girls. They are just too innocent. You look so slim the picture. You make me want to drag my body to gym again tonight.
haha how come Alycia dun like to get married?? Her boy classmates always disturbing her ar??