Rascal #2 is very prone to accidents since young. Her thumb was squashed by a steel door when she was 1.5yo (and the bone of her thumb was chipped), she was hit by a swing in the playground and got thrown on the ground when she was 1yo, her forehead has a cut resulting from a piggy-back ride fall (from Alycia) when she was 3yo and countless numbers of falls. Sigh… this rascal is truly a dare-devil. All the falls, bone breaking, pain and threats from mummy are still not deterring her from being mischievous.
The other day, the skin of her palm almost came off when her palm was pinched by a door. God knows what she did in the walk-in wardrobe and I suspect that her hand must have been caught in the pull-open door. When I asked her how she hurt her hand, she vehemently refused to tell me, coz she knew that I will scold her. Anyway, on the day of the minor accident, she ran out from the room screaming and crying. I was shocked to see her very bruised palm which was starting to bleed. I quickly took an ice cube, wrapped it in a hanky and applied on her palm. Both her sisters ran to her aid. Baby gave her che che lots of pat on her back to ‘sayang’ her. Alycia dashed to the first aid cupboard to bring out a plaster and a tube of Dettol cream. Though the girls fight and bicker all the time, in times like these, they still care for each other very much. What a heart warming scene, albeit the gory sight of the bloody palm!
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ewww….must be really painful
poor girl..
Hopefully there will be a lesson learned here! Looks like it is healing; I’d recommend not covering it with a bandaid at nite so it gets a chance to dry and heal. During the day there isn’t much choice for kids plus they do love wearing bandaids!!
Oh it must be very pain. Hope Sherilyn’s wound can recover soon. Be extra careful nest time ya, my dear.
OYO… sherilyn ohhhh sherilyn….
sigh… hope the pain’s lesser now.
auch.. the wound looks nasty …
Ouch! It looks painful