I saw Baby dozed off on the couch in a half standing position and in her bathing suit… with her panty on I just had to snap a pic of this as I think it was too funny. Rascal #2 was so absorbed in my laptop activity that she did not even notice that her baby sister was just behind her sleeping. This is quite a typical scene on most afternoons. Rascal #2 will be glued to the lappie with Baby alongside her or vice versa. They take turns to play the lappie. Then rascal #3 will doze off around 4ish pm on the couch when her batteries run flat. But this rarely happens to rascal #2. Her batteries are perpetually in full bar. If she takes a nap in the afternoon, I’ll have to run to grab the ear thermometer to check her temperature!
No. of times viewed = 219
How long baby C would sleep in this type of position?
Baby C is so cute..she can sleep in this position…
hehe…Baby C is sometimes behaves macam her 2nd sis hor….btw, u have a laptop special for the kids usage?
your girls are the champions when it comes to sleeping position…
Chin Nee, yup I bought them a lappie so that they can read and play games on it and leave me alone when I’m busy haha!