Terriyaki Chicken Sandwich

My kids are getting fed up with having fried noodles, fried rice, noodles, pasta and spaghetti for lunch. So I whipped up sometime different for them – Chicken Terriyaki sandwich complete with lettuce, mayo, cheese and cucumbers…. Subway style!

I marinated the chicken breast fillet with some Kikoman Terriyaki sauce and black pepper, then pan fried them till brown.

Spread the walnut wholemeal bread with Tesco brand mayo (made with free range eggs and made in Belgium – cheap and yummy!). Then put a piece of organic butterhead lettuce, a slice of terriyaki chicken, a slice of cheese and topped with Japanese cucumbers.

A complete meal with protein from the chicken, cheese, walnuts from the bread, fibre from the veggie and wholemeal bread and carbs from the bread. I got thumbs up from my 3 fussy eaters and orders for more 😀

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