Why We Love Wednesdays and Saturdays

My girls love Wednesdays and Saturdays. That’s because they are my Princess wannabe’s ballet class days. That’s when she gets to meet her fellow ballet classmates, who all seem to possess the same style and traits as her. They say birds of a feather flock together, how true this adage is haha!
For Alycia and Baby, they get to tag along and enjoy the 1 hour of eating, hanging around in 100 Yen Shop, shopping at our favorite bakery and shopping at the nearby mini market while waiting for Sherilyn. Even I look forward to Wednesdays and Saturdays!

These pix were snapped today, which is Sherilyn’s ballet day. After dropping Sherilyn at the dance centre, I did my usual errands – grabbed some good deals at Guardian Pharmacy, got some buns and cake at our bakery and did some grocery shopping at the nearby mini market.  Today, I was way too well prepared and brought along 4 shopping bags to put my stuff… after being caught with no plastic bags on a Saturday, twice!  Simple day for us but the girls enjoy themselves nonetheless. Happy Sunday peeps!

My gifts from above…

Pretty girls in pink…

Pretty and demure as they might appear, but really, they drive me up the wall the whole day. Everyday.

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