So much about the latest rave and craze on macarons, my hubs bought 2 boxes from a bakery that manufacturers fine French desserts to try. The only macarons that I had tried were the ones that my mum used to bake from left-over egg whites decades ago. Her macarons were very crispy and sometimes she would add some cocoa powder to the macaron mixture before baking them. I liked her macarons, albeit not crazy over them, as I would over cream puffs, cakes or pastries.
When I saw the brightly colored macarons, I knew instantly that they would not sweep me off my feet and bring me to macaron land. I donch like food that are heavily covered in food coloring and sugar. Nor do I like my girls to have such food additives inside them. Since my hubs had spent quite a bit on these macaroos, we all savored them. True to my expectation, they macarons were tremendously sweet. Alycia is the only one who liked them. This girl has a sweet tooth and likes almost everything that is sweet.
The macarons came in all flavors – green one is wasabe, pink is strawberry, brown ones are chocolate and coffee, gray one is peanut butter, turquoise one is Earl Grey Ganache and yellow one mango. These macarons would act as a great gift to someone who appreciates and enjoys fine desserts. A box of these macarons cost a whopping RM50! I had read that macarons are very costly as the ingredients used are very costly, eg. almond powder.
Les Deux Garcons is open from 9.30am – 6.30pm (Tuesday-Sunday).
Address & tel no.
16, Jalan 2/109E Desa Business Park
Taman Desa 58100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603.7980 0200
website :
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I must make a trip to les Deux Garcon very soon!!!! I hope they are giving you free macarons for promoting their shop..hehehheeheheheh
nice looking macarons, not try before too. Lately only know this thing. I was wondering is it a biscuit or pastry. Thanks sharing I will sure go find out myself.
Macarons are incredibley difficult to make esp. where it is so humid. I must have baked about 200 of them couple of years ago as I wasn’t going to give up trying to get the perfect little feet/ frills on them. I appreciate the price and it is justified. In Melb it is abt USD 2- 2.5 for each, and in Paris even more!!
They look cute and yummy…
Oh I thought the green one is green tea. Wasabi…huh wonder how it taste.
They look really nice and cute, I haven’t tried Macarons before.
now got lots of people selling its online through facebook, blogspot -cheaper. Yes, its too sweet for me too, but heard that have to keep on certain quantity of sugar to get the shape done. Kids sure love it, taste like candy.
It depends on the pairing… When I make them, I usually like to pair them off with something really tangy like lemon curd or lime curd and cream. The sourness from the these filling will balance off the sweetness from the shell.
Macarons are not a biscuit or cake.. it is a category of its own. The ones from Paris or even London are slightly different.. it could be the fact that their weather is dry, hence, their macaron is crispy.. which is technically not correct. A macaron must have a few texture.. crispy on the outside.. the skin that is, with a gooey inside that is smooth and pleasant in the mouth.. It is more or less like eating pavlovas…
Yes, you are right. You cannot decrease the amount of sugar in macarons.. it is the sugar that holds its shape and gives it the many different textures within the macaron..
Infact, sugar cannot be decreased in a lot of baking stuff.. cakes especially. Sugar is not just a taste agent for cakes, it is also a moisturing agent, binding agent and for some, volume agent.. decreasing sugar can render the cake a whole new texture, which usually is not satisfying.. either it will be very crumbly or dense. And most of the time, decreasing sugar in cakes will render the cake dry.. hence, the need to either use chemical stablisers.