My hubs love his 3 princesses very much but sometimes he can be too indulgent with them… without realizing the dangers! On the night we celebrated our belated 11th wedding anniversary, hubs opened a bottle of chilled white wine to toast. Alycia who loves any drink that is chilled and icy cold asked her daddy for a sip… then 2, then 3 and God knows how many sips he had allowed her to drink. I was busy in the kitchen and was not aware that he had allowed Alycia to drink wine. Within minutes, Alycia’s face was flushed. It was very obvious on her very fair skin. When everyone was laughing at her scarlet face, I asked what happened. When I found out that hubs had allowed her to drink wine, I was irate. I warned her that she could puke later as none of us in the family can booze. Then Alycia went to the couch and appeared pretty quiet and blur!!
She had refused the paparazzi to snap a pic of her flushed face…
But the paparazzis win most of the time, don’t they?
When I was having my shower about 15 minutes later, I heard someone screaming out “daddy I vomit!!” I knew it was Alycia. She had puked everything out and caused a stinky mess in the entire bathroom! Gosh, I was really mad with hubs for causing Alycia to throw up! And his face was painted with guilt too I could see! I guess he had learned his lesson that night…. so did Alycia.
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Her face is so red…..
not only does puking create a stinky mess, it’s quite hard to bear for the drinker. the drowsy and puking feeling are just horrible. did you get your hubs to clean up the mess…heheheehhe
I hope u made hubby clean it up! Otherwise, he’ll never learn!
Hmm….. daddies.
I can totally imagine my hubs doing the same thing!
Yea, I hope you made hubby cleaned up the mess… I’m more worried over the health implications, good she puked out. I’d have given hubs a good anniversary sounding for the same offence! No alcohol for kids until 18! Hahaha
hahaha.. Alycia looked so drunk!!! I would give hubs a good sounding for sure… no alcohol for kids!!
You know, I don’t drink in front of my parents, just not used to it, because we were not allowed to drink until god’s know when ….
Your lil drunken master’s face is so red…and pretty actually! natural blush ha
gosh, she vomited ka, means must have taken quite a lot of the white wine then. when I was younger (now not too old la :P) I don’t drink alcohol/wine at all, first reason because I don’t want to end up puking badly. I hate and scare to puke leh!
Gosh…….daddies…..Alycia is only 8, much too young for alcohol!!!
wah, start so young! yes, daddy should have known better. my girls have tasted wine too but that was only from my finger tip and that was it.
tell daddy, wait till she’s at least 16 then can start to slowly train her!
ooh dear….sorry but i had a good laugh over alycia’s stone & red face

what a moment to cherish for daddy on this wedding anniversary, lol
oh dear…so RED her face, hahaha!! Mum always said that alcohol is very bad for kids brain and until now, we dare not even let qiqi taste Shandy…
Hahahhahaa!!!! The same thing happened to my girl when she was 14 years old. From that day onwards, she learn the effects and consequences of alcohol. I suppose it was good for my girl as she was at that age where they always wanted to act adult and cool.. may it be from dressing to thinking.. so, a dose of white wine during a dinner party taught her a very valueable lesson of being adult. She swears off alcohol from then on..
Recently, when we were in London and it was cold, I offered her a glass of red wine with her dinner and she politely decline..”No thank you.. We still need to take the tube home.. dont forget, we need to change lines and getting drunk and puking isnt funny!!” Hahahahaha…