Our Sunday – Happy Father’s Day!

Today was by far the best Father’s Day celebration for the girls. After church, we had lunch at Duck King. Then we had cakes at Food Foundry as daddy was craving for his Vanilla Crepe cake and chocolate cake. At Food Foundry, daddy ordered 4 slices of sinfully fattening delish cakes and a plate of mushroom pasta and it was polished off in a jiffy, though everyone had just had a pretty heavy lunch at Duck King.  As we were leaving Food Foundry, daddy announced that he would like to whip up a Father’s Day dinner for his 3 angels 4 angels.  So we went to Cold Storage to get some steaks, veggie, salad sauce and 2 big tubs of more fattening desserts yummy Haaegan Dazs ice creams!

Lucky man with 3 angels 4 angels… God has been too kind to him, ahem…

Rascal #2 walloped almost the entire Vanilla crepe cake… I too must admit that it was irresistible!

And Baby walloped the chocolate cake like a famished kid who had never tasted cakes in her life…

Part of our dinner tonight…

On our menu tonight will be rib eye steaks, homemade mashed potatoes, salad and Haaegan Dazs ice cream for dessert.

RM127.31 for 5 chunks of Australian Rib Eye steak and RM11 for 2 gigantic onions *roll eyes*  Only a true foodie would bear to spend so much on a dinner. But my man always tells me that he would only generously spend his money on his loved ones wor…

Oh yea, hubs also bought 2 Meyer Expression non-stick pans to whip up the 5 chunks of supreme bovine for his 4 angels tonite. I vouch that I have to hit the gym first thing tomorrow morning and have an extended work out session to melt those calories away.

If not for a badly sprained back while playing basketball this morning, I’ll bet hubs would bring his angels down to the pool or for a game of badminton or cycling.

How have your Father’s Day been?

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