Our Eventful 11th Wedding Anniversary

2 years ago, we celebrated our wedding anniversary in the pediatric ward of Penang GMC. It was a happy day for hubs and me, though Alycia and Sherilyn were not with us. It was the day Baby was given the green light to be discharged from the hospital after a 3-week stay. 2 years later, on the same day, we spent our night at the hospital again. With Baby too. She was puking non-stop since 5pm. While having dinner at a Japanese restaurant, Baby looked listless, which was very unlike this chatty girl. I kept asking her if she was OK and if she still felt like vomiting, to which she kept saying no and shook her head. The moment I carried her to place her on my lap, without any warning, Baby spewed hot lava onto my long flowing hair and clothes. My dress was drenched with strawberry flavored Nutrifresh and cream crackers which she had eaten half an hour ago. Eweeee, the stench was horrid! Thankfully the restaurant was just at our condo and my maid and I quickly brought Baby back to have a big wash up. She too was drenched in her own vomit. My maid had vomit on her face and clothes too.  Our shoes had stinky vomit too.

We spent the next few hours at the A&E Dept of the hospital. When the time came for the doctor to insert the PCM suppository and anti-vomiting suppository into her rectum, there was a BIG hooha in the dr’s room. I had expected it. Baby has a phobia of enema and all suppositories. Her frequent constipation had left me with no choice but to give her enema. She kicked very, very forcefully and used her hands to cover her butt when the nurse tried to insert the 2 supps in LOL! It was a hilarious sight though she was bawling her throat out. When I bent down to pick up her pants, she kicked me hard on my forehead! After a big struggle with hubby, nurse and doctor holding her down, the 2 supps were finally in, phew!! Thank God she was A-OK again the next day. I still could not pin point what caused the vomiting.

The cake which we were supposed to cut is still in the fridge. The big green tea cake has been in our fridge since Friday LOL! Yesterday hubs was busy the whole day. Today we were out the whole day. Hubs is having his usual basketball game now.  I guess we will only cut the cake and dig on it tonight.  Better late than never right?

Cute as a button but always causing mummy sleepless nights and making mummy’s head spin.

No. of times viewed = 370

Bra Extension

I first found out about bra extension 8 years ago, through my best friend, who was pregnant at the same time with me. We were first expecting our first baby and shared many advices and tips with each other. During this pregnancy, I found that all my bras were too tight on me and thank God for this bra extension, I did not have to get a dozen of new bras, which had helped me save some money.

Hats off to the person who created bra extension!  She’s a whiz!

With a bra extension, your bra can be extended by another 3 inches.  You can ditch this gadget should your body shrink back into the old size, like mine.  I am now lending this gadget to my friend who is pregnant and she’s finding it very useful too.  You can get this bra extension from the lingerie department of a shopping mall and it does not cost a lot. I have another one which comes in black.

Under your clothing, no one would know that you are using a bra extension.

No. of times viewed = 678

Nciku.com, The Awesome Chinese-English Website!

If you are a yellow banana who does not know a word of Chinese or only speak smattering Mandarin /can read a handful of Chinese words, you will find www.nciku.com a life saver. You will thank me profusely today for leading you to this website, just like how I am so thankful to my blogger friend Su Kim who introduced this website to me.  I was on the verge of buying Besta Electronic Chinese English pocket dictionary which cost over RM2k.  Thank God I had not bought it earlier.  Now that I have found nciku.com, I can use my mouse to write out the Chinese character to have it translated for me, complete with vocal sounds to help us on the correct pronunciation.

NCiku.com — just use your mouse to write out the Chinese character on the box on the right.  A list of possible words with similar strokes with han yu pin yin will appear on the utmost right.  You then click on the chosen Chinese character and search it for the meaning / listen to the pronunciation. You will even be taught on the correct order of the strokes.

No. of times viewed = 613

Cheap And Nice Crocs

The pasar malam at my neighborhood has a stall that sells Crocs – cheap and nice ones! I used to get my girls and myself original Crocs but after comparing the ori with fakes, I cannot really tell any difference, except for the logo. The color of the white Crocodile on the logo of ori Crocs will not fade while the fake ones will fade over time. Price aside, I love buying replicas as I can buy them as often as I want hehe…

Tell me, nice or not?

This Princess Aeriel for Baby only cost RM10 a pair…

This Hello Kitty for Alycia cost RM12 a pair (or was it RM10?) …

The pink-white flip flop for myself is RM12 and the pink Hello Kitty for Sherilyn is RM10 a pair.

4 pairs of Crocs for about RM40 is a steal eh? I can get my girls new ones again when new designs are available. Checking out the Crocs stall at the pasar malam is something the girls and I look forward to every Friday. Even Baby loves choosing her Crocs, that vain pot!

No. of times viewed = 548

Flowers from daddy

My princess wannabe has all the traits of a princess except for one – her daddy and mummy ain’t the king and queen haha! She likes to be treated like a princess, dress up to the nines all the time like a princess, likes being served like one, likes to dine in classy restaurants and hotels, is bossy and very demanding and she likes flowers too. Princesses like flowers and everything pretty right?

On Sunday, hubs went to the florist to get some flowers for his functions and the girls followed him. As usual, Sherilyn pestered her daddy for some nice flowers and her ever yes-man daddy obliged.  He got her a cute and small bouquet of nice smelling flowers.  And she chose these flowers, the colors of which are all her favorite colors – yellow, pink and purple:

When we got home, the first thing she did was ran to the kitchen and badgered me to get a vase to place her flowers. Then she fished out a red ribbon and tied it to the vase LOL!   After settling down, she cut out a heart shape from a piece of paper to place it under the vase as a coaster and wrote this on the paper:

When daddy saw the piece of thank you note the next morning, he was SO touched and was grinning from ear to ear. This brat sure knows how to hit the bull’s eyes of the soft spot of his daddy’s heart!

No. of times viewed = 413

A Busy Week

Have been pretty busy since Sunday – with preparing the girls for their mid-term school exams and with my online store business. Despite the hectic, I brought the girls to my good blogger friends’ kids’ birthday picnic at TTDI park on Sunday to allow the girls some time off to breathe in some fresh air. Thankfully my mum and sil are around to help me coach the girls. Without my mum and sil around, I will surely turn into a headless chicken panicking as both Alycia and Sherilyn’s exams fall on the same dates. I must admit I have not been doing constant revision with my girls everyday and as usual, I normally only spend 1-2 days to do some last-minute revision with them.

Picnic at TTDI Park to celebrate Barb’s Ashley’s and Annie’s Fearles and Cruz’s joint 6th birthday.

During revision, rascal #2 is always full of crafty ideas to stall time and can never sit still for more than 15 minutes.  She’ll walk round the house, pull a high stool to the study table to sit.. with another chair behind the stool…

… put on her rings, pretend to look for her pencils, erasers, sharpen her pencils, say she’s thirsty, hungry, sweaty, cold, blah blah blah, just to avoid doing revision or anything that has to do with her books!!

My Nanny 911 revising with the girls…

To distract Baby from disturbing her 2 jie jies, I let her hog the lappie. This babe is really good with the laptop and knows how to set up the laptop and log on to all her favorite websites on her own!

No. of times viewed = 380

Frozen Ice Cream Puff

My brother bought a box of 6 Beard Papa’s cream puff for the girls when he went to Mid Valley Megamall.  When he reached home, he placed the box of cream puff in the freezer to cool up the cream so that we could have them for our afternoon snack in a while but we had forgotten all about it until the next morning!  I thawed the cream puff for about half an hour and when I sank my teeth onto the puff, the cream was still half frozen and it tasted just like ice-cream!  Not bad at all and my girls loved it anyway and we call it ice cream cream puff!

No. of times viewed = 251

Angry Bird Cushion cum Back Massager

Here’s presenting my work companion who is seated behind me at my work place. He’s my Angry Bird who looks angry and fierce with furrowed eyebrows but this fella can do a good job massaging my back all the time!

My Angry Bird is a gift from my hubs. He bought it from a kiosk selling cute stuff at Gardens @ Mid Valley

I can even plug the USB that’s inside Angry Bird onto my computer motherboard when I am working at my desktop. I can even use it in the car when I go for trips. Angry Bird is both battery operated and with a USB. This Angry Bird is no ordinary bird for it can make me happy when I am angry 😀

No. of times viewed = 938

Topamax Birth Defects

My pregnancy with Alycia, my first born was riddled with pains, aches, discomforts and worries. From a German Measles scare to spotting during the initial weeks, I was plagued with many other discomforts, including a huge pregnancy tumor on my gums, which subsided immediately after my precious was born. I did a blood test to check if I had German Measles when my sil who was staying with us had a German Measles attack. I had spots that resembled measles all over my back at that time! The 3-day wait for the blood result was one of the longest waits in my life. I knew that the German Measles virus can cause serious birth defects, just like Topamax. If you happen to know of anyone who is seeking a Topamax lawsuit, you can click on the link here. The lawyers can be contacted here:
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949

No. of times viewed = 170

Kids Say The Darndest Things

This has been our regular conversation these days. Baby always tells me that she wants to be a mummy when she grows up and has many children :O

Baby – mummy, when I grow up I want to be a mummy…

Me – and I will be a granny if you become a mummy!

Baby – and granny will be a great granny, mah mah will be a great grandma, right?

Me – YES, clever girl!

Baby – and I want to have babies too…

Me – how many babies do you want?

Baby – errr, MANY!!

Me – if your babies are all as naughty as you, how? Then you will get angry all the time just like mummy right?

Baby – err (thinks for a while)…… and then lets out a cheeky giggle 😀

She ain’t heavy, she’s my baby sister. Alycia would scurry to carry her baby sister each time I give her the green light to do so. She adores her baby sister to bits.

No. of times viewed = 227

Pom Pom Girls

Daddy bought Sherilyn a set of gold colored pom pom so that she could practice her ballet movements at home. I also bought her the CD with the music of her ballet exam pieces so that she could practice at home.  Sherilyn will be sitting for her ballet exam in 2 weeks. So far, she’s been very enthusiastic about it. In fact, she’s more enthusiastic in ballet than reading or doing her homework. I hope that her interest will not wane off over time when the teacher gets stricter as she progresses to the next higher levels.  Among some of the virtues that a ballerina must possess are discipline and lots of hard work, and I am not sure if Sherilyn can persevere when her lessons get tougher.

..and she’s also teaching her baby sister how to perform pom pom dance. When these 2 girls get together in a jovial mood, I can be sure to see lots of dancing, prancing, singing and of course fights too!

No. of times viewed = 255

Cassandra’s 2nd Year Post Surgery

Today marks the 2nd year my Baby was operated on.  Exactly 2 years ago today marks the change in our lives, change for the better, though the 3-week stay in the hospital was a nightmare where everything that could go wrong went wrong.  Hubs was hospitalized on the day of Baby’s surgery on suspicion of H1N1 and was isolated, I had high fever myself and was terribly weak but had to remain strong physically and mentally, Baby’s surgery had a complication and she was cut up again a week later.    But I thank God that we managed to wade through the darkness and saw light at the end of the long, long tunnel.

For those of you who have been following my blog, you will know what Baby and I went through from the moment my gynae detected that Baby’s right kidney was dilated at 14 weeks of gestation while she was still in-utero.  That moment in the gynae’s clinic up until the the surgery at 13 months old had been very tough on me. The gynae even feared that the baby would have Down’s Syndrome coz a dilated kidney is often one of the symptoms.  I subsequently went for an Amnio which confirmed that she’s one normal baby girl.   Happiness only resurfaced in our lives after the post surgery MCUG scan which revealed that Baby had no more kidney reflux.  Baby was 2 years old then.  The latest MAG 3 scan that Baby went through also showed that her right kidney is functioning and draining well and once again confirmed no more reflux and no blockage.

My very expensive Baby girl. She overcame all odds and all obstacles that were in her way. She’s one little cili padi, the bravest baby I have ever met.  Notice the scar below her navel?  That’s the cut for the 2nd surgery she went through 2 years ago.  I pray to God that He will bestow Cassandra with good health, happiness and no more surgery ever.

No. of times viewed = 456

Baby Born With Cleft Lip

A childhood friend of mine is expecting a baby and it’s her first baby. She and her hubby have been trying for a baby for many years. Through fertility treatment, they have finally succeeded. I have been telling my friend that the first 12 weeks of gestation is very crucial as it is during this 1st trimester that the vital parts of the baby is formed. I have been advising her to eat healthily and to be very careful with what she eats, especially with oral medication. When I was pregnant with my first child, I surfed almost every pregnancy website there was on the internet to read all the dos and don’ts during pregnancy. I was worried sick of consuming something that could cause birth defects to my baby. If you have a baby born with cleft lip and you suspect that it could have been caused by Topomax that you consumed during your pregnancy, you can seek a Topamax birthdefect lawsuit to help you get a compensation.

No. of times viewed = 168

Awesome Website For Kids To Learn ABCs, Colors, Shapes, Time-Telling, Spelling

Mumsgather recently introduced this awesome website to me. Baby has since been hooked on this website. She plays with my laptop almost everyday and now, she hops straight to Literacy Center to learn her ABCs and spelling! Literacy Center teaches toddlers and pre-schoolers ABCs, 123s, colors, shapes, time telling and much more.  It’s the next best free learning website, after Starfall.

Here Baby’s getting a helping hand from Sherilyn jie jie on how to spell the word yellow.  After a few tries, she now knows how to spell all her colors and she’s only 3YO!  Of course she does not really know it by hard. It’s by trial and error but after a few tries, she more or less knows the flow of letters for the spelling of all the colors.

During the day while I am busy on my desktop, she sits next to me and practices her spelling on the laptop!  Then, she will ask to go to You Tube to listen to her favorite songs and play her favorite Strawberry Shortcake games.  Kids these days are SO IT-savvy, aren’t they?

No. of times viewed = 610

Our Sunday – Sherilyn’s 2nd Trial Ballet Exam

We spent almost the whole afternoon on the road and at the ballet examination center in Selayang to give moral support to Sherilyn who sat for her 2nd trial ballet exam. The actual exam will be held in 3 weeks.

The girls deeply wrapped up watching Barbie in daddy’s new 11-seater MPV.

Performing warm-ups…

Sherilyn strutting her movements…

Tomorrow is a public holiday and we will all be going to Mid Valley Megamall for brunch and shopping, yippeeeeeee!! Happy Labour Day to everyone. Have a well deserved break, chill out and have your batteries recharged for another week ahead!

No. of times viewed = 268