Here is my grossly under-aged store assistant and she is not even three yet. She now knows how to help me separate the Pos Laju consignment notes into 2, which requires a degree of dexterity, something which sometimes my 2 older girls have trouble doing. I was really impressed when she insisted that she wanted to help me (I really under estimated her and thought she would not be able to separate the carbonized copies) and then TA DAA…. she proved her capability in a jiffy. Now, she helps me do this everyday!!
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Clever little Cassandra. Mommy should reward her for her helpfulness.
She’s such a smart chilli padi 🙂
Wow, well done and good job! She’s a handy and clever girl!
clever girl *clapping hands* !!!
That is the cutest under-aged store assistant I have ever seen! Can I please borrow her?
got EPF for her ar? 😛
Very cute!! Not only is she helping Mum but she is doing something she can be proud of!
very smart helper…
she made you proud !