What Do You Do With Your Old Socks?

I used to throw them away as soon as the elastics start to loosen but after spending quite a bit on new socks (even bought them for my helper) each time my kids go to kids’ theme parks like Mega Kidz or Jungle Gym, I have started to collect old socks. Before our outing to the theme park, I will now fish out all my collection of old socks and dump them into my bag. Once we are there, everyone will don on the old socks. After all the fun, I will dump these socks right away. No point bringing them home to have them washed as they are filthy and black.  Used to do that but gosh, whenever my kids are out from the theme park, the sole of the socks will be as black as charcoal. My helper had to brush and scrub the socks and yet the dirt just won’t budge. So why waste water, detergent, time and energy in washing the socks right? Just chuck them away at the exit point of the theme park, easy peasy job hah!  And oh yea, don’t throw your old undies and bras away.  Bring them along for your trips. After wearing them, chuck them into the bin.  You can travel light this way.  And you can save on disposable undies or panty liners 😀

My collection of old socks… and I had thrown them during our last outing at Mega Kidz 😀

No. of times viewed = 403


  1. hmm….this means those places are really filthy? i always wonder if they clean the play area every day. what about the balls, do they clean each and every ball? i’m being silly huh?

  2. Barb… yup I also wonder if they clean those equipment and balls everyday. I guess they need some kind of disinfectant on the play things else if someone gets HFM disease, their center can be ordered to be closed!

  3. good idea …. and yes, I don’t think they clean the play area actually. Guess what, they once told me McD’s children play area is one of the most contaminated area in the reataurant coz they never clean it. Just chin-cai chin-cai wipe with cloth and sweep the floor only 🙁 🙁

  4. I once brought my elder girl to play at McD play area when she was 2 years old and she got HFM disease. We were so worried for her and I was 38 weeks pregnant at that time. We were worried that she would not get well in time and spread the disease to her baby sister. Thank goodness she got well fast but it was so pitiful to see her being hungry but not able to eat due to sores in her mouth. Now I will bring disinfectant with me and quickly wipe their hands and also wash their hands after playing at those play area.

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