Our Sunday

We had lunch at Monte’s @ Bangsar Shopping Centre today. Hubs and I used to love dining at this restaurant before the girls came along. The food there is fantastic. Love their escargot, deep fried spring chicken and tiramisu.

After lunch, we did groceries shopping. I love the range of fresh produce and food stuff at the Cold Storage. They carry stuff that you can’t get from other supermarkets. That’s why many ‘gwai los’ like shopping there.

The world’s best friends, Alycia and her baby sister… Alycia’s2 front teeth are sprouting out.  Soon she’ll look pretty again!

That’s what we packed back for dinner – black pepper roast spring chicken. It’s tasty but the girls find it a tad hot and spicy…

Undecided – I didn’t know whether to choose ayam percik or the black pepper chicken. In the end I took the latter and I kind of regretted my decision as the girls found it spicy. Next time, we’ll take the ayam percik.

I also got myself a loaf of French Village bread from O Gourmet, hubs’ favorite bakery at BSC… he loves the Danish pastries to bits.

I wanted to get this Full Grain Bread Loaf but it’s RM14.90 and I find it too expensive.

Hubs’ choice of pastries.  We will have these for lunch tomorrow – croissants with eggs and pastries.  And me, I’ll have my healthy bread with homemade Pesto sauce and homemade pandan kaya!

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7 thoughts on “Our Sunday

  1. oh Monte’s.. used to frequent it quite often before the kids too… love the food…

    Alycia look quite different here.. has the “big girl” look.. time flies…

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