For the past few days, Alycia has been worried sick. One of her classmates told her that there will be a huge earthquake in the year 2012 (next year) that will eat up the world. She asked me if it’s true. She told me that her classmate was told by her mum of this. I told her I’m not sure but it’s indeed written in the Bible that the world will come to an end one day. This will be revealed through natural disasters everywhere. Co-incidentally, my friends in Facebook have also been talking about this early this week. When she heard that, she kept badgering me with questions like “why does God want to take the world back?”, “where can we hide to be saved?”, “what can we do to be saved?” and all the wheres, whys and whens. Truth is, I want to know too and there’s nothing we can do but to pray. Alycia looked really worried over dinner yesterday and she expressed her extreme fear to me. On the other hand, Sherilyn who was also scared tried to put up a brave front. Over dinner last night, she told me this “mummy, God talked to me. Just now I closed my eyes and God told me not to be worried…” I laughed at what she had said and I wondered if it was indeed God who spoke to her or was it all just her self consolation. Now, during our nightly prayers to God, our pleas to God to save this world is included.
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huh why her classmate’s mom wanna tell this to her daughter anyway?? Well I just ignored this, don’t wanna stuck myself in another dilemma as my life is quite hectic taking care 2 kiddos and my office work. Just keep remember that “Life is short, live life to the fullest. Treasure our love one, no regret”.
Children like Alycia and Sherilyn are so so pure and innocent.
My boy did ask us the same question but we just brushed him off, don’t wanna instill fear in him.
I even heard there will be aliens visiting our earth in 2012.
in Buddhism, people in the west mentioned about this huge natural disaster too. The only thing we can do is to pray, love and save our mother earth (by recycle). Once everything is over (what must go must really go, i think?), we will have a beautiful earth again
When i was around Alycia’s age, that was like more than 20 plus years ago, I had the same fear that we were all gonna die. It so happened that i watched a chinese drama where the japanese invaded malaysia and killed everyone in i asked my mum whether the japanese will invade us again. Mum’s answer: Who knows, they might do it again!”
I tell you, i couldn’t sleep for WEEKS!! I was constantly worrying about it. HAIh…and one day i just got over it. But it made such an impact on me that i still remember it to this day! hehe
It is horrible that kids can be so misinformed. I think the message for kids and grown-ups is for never to take anything for granted, live life to the fullest, always be kind, do the right thing, and let God/ Buddha/ Allah take care of the rest. Who cares if the world ends in 2012 or 3012….we can step out the door and be killed by a truck! Here’s another way to deal with it…if this misdirected kid tries to instill fear of the end-of-the-world into your kids…just say “Oh, goody! That means she doesn’t need her toys/computer/PS II anymore…maybe she wants to give them away soon??”. Just might help alleviate the tension and make such rumour-mongers look like idiots!