Last week, Sherilyn got the lists from her teacher in the message book. It’s the lists that I dread doing together with her. I dreaded doing together with Alycia too when she was in pre school and now it’s Sherilyn’s turn. For Alycia, she is pretty disciplined and would dutifully memorize her spelling, ejaan and ting xie every week most of the time. As expected, Sher’s quite the opposite. I need loads of threats and even the whip to get her to memorize her stuff, to complete her homework and Kumon Math that I give her everyday.
Sherilyn’s first spelling list for 6 year olds..
Ejaan list…
Ting Xie…
So whatcha think of the words for final year pre-schoolers (6yo)? Tough? Easy peasy? Average?
And good luck to Sherilyn for her 1st spelling tomorrow!
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