Our Boxing Day, A Day Of Fun And Eating

On Boxing Day, we spent the whole afternoon at Mega Kidz @ Mid Valley Megamall to attend my friend’s daughter’s 6th birthday party. After the party, we had lunch at Canton I @ Gardens. We were so full that we only had dinner at about 9:30pm at Wendy’s.

It was a day of bliss and fun for the girls. At about 8pm, daddy brought them down to the pool to swim and to play with water guns.

Alycia & Sherilyn shooting daddy with their water guns, with daddy shielding himself with 2 floats…

After swimming, we had supper  dinner at Wendy’s.   There were nuggets, baked cheesy potato, Chillies, ice cream float, soft drinks, fries and burgers.  Gosh it was a super artery clogging and high carb meal.  While daddy had a feast with the girls, I was busy snapping pix and only ate 1 spoonful of Chillies, 1 spoonful of ice cream and a bite each of everything.  I can be very determined and can resist the strongest of temptations when it comes to eating after 9pm.

Beef burger and fish burger… very yummy but bear with the consequences if you chomp down the whole burger for supper ya…

The next day, the girls finally cut the Xmas log cake. Daddy had bought it for the Xmas party on 25 Dec but there were too much food so we held back the cake…

We under estimated the cake. We thought it was another run of the mill chocolate sponge cake but we were wrong.  The cake was soft, fluffy, moist and very chocolaty and not overly sweet.  Daddy bought it from our favorite bakery, RT Pastry House.

Baby giving her thumbs up to the chocolate log cake. She chomped down a few slices of cake.. This girl can really eat like a pig when it comes to cakes and snacks.

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