Chin Han Guan Biscuit Shop, Ipoh

During our last trip in Ipoh, we brought the girls to the biscuit shop that I used to patronize with my mum decades ago. It’s the first time my girls visited a traditional biscuit specialty shop. I have not seen one in KL before.

My favorite biscuits are these: peanut candies, sesame candies and square shaped love letters and I bought these. My girls wanted the flower biscuits but I didn’t buy them as I find that the colored flowers are horribly sweet.  I notice that many pre schools love to provide these biscuits to kids during snack time *shudder*

This is one of the shop’s specialties – biscuits with meat floss and lotus paste stuffing.  I find it so-so only as I don’t really fancy sweet stuff.  But I saw people flocking to buy these biscuits, which were made at the shop and just out from the oven.

Workers making the meat floss biscuits…

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