One of Baby’s boops weaning withdrawal symptoms is that she would refuse to nap in the afternoon. We used to nap together in the afternoon and she would latch on to her comfort tools for comfort sucking and would easily drift into lalaland. Ever since she was weaned off my boops, she would refuse to nap, in strong defiance. She would spend all her time playing and eating till no end!! By evening around 6pm, her batteries would be flat and she would doze off on the couch while watching TV with her 2 jie jies. She hardly naps on the bed anymore now.
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Then…she will have late dinner…? Can she sleep again at night? I guess she will be a nite owl…
oh dear.. those pillow props.. to cushion her fall ?
Mery, I will force her to wake up by 730pm with her yelling but I can distract her with something. This I will blog about it later
Elaine, yup, the pillows are to cushion her if she falls haha..
When she refused to nap in the afternoon, then you would be very tired, as you couldn’t nap with her anymore.
my daughter refuses to take her afternoon nap too. what we do is, let her have her dinner early, like 5 something. after that she can go to bed early.
my mom used to advise not to wake them up. it will interrupt their sleep and growth etc. they tend to be very grumpy too…
She needs another security blanket I think.