Baby has been having withdrawal symptoms on the 3rd day she’s weaned off my boops. On day 2, she was alright as we were out shopping at Mid Valley Megamall for 5 hours. The withdrawal symptoms appeared since yesterday (3rd day). She kept asking to munch on snacks – biscuits, organic crackers, cherry tomatoes, biscuits again, kuih, fish balls and ice cream even though I had just given her a cup of fresh milk with a scoop of Dutch Lady chocolate formula. Nothing she ate seemed to satiate her burning hunger. Is she that hungry? Her mouth just had to move. Before she was weaned, her mouth was always moving as she was always latched on!
In the afternoon, she refused to lie down with me on the bed to take her nap. When I went near her, she closed her mouth tight with both her hands! She thought that my boops still have red chili on them muahahahaha! But I really miss nursing her. I miss looking at her cute face while she’s enjoying her fix. I have been giving Baby more hugs and kisses for the past 3 days to compensate what she’s losing. But my Baby is growing up.
Yesterday when I was at the baby department at Jusco, I missed shopping for baby stuff. I told myself that very soon, I may not even walk pass the baby department anymore. Suddenly, I felt emotional. My 3 girls have grown up. Though the first few years of taking care of small babies are very very taxing, stressful mentally and physically, I am already missing my 3 girls’ years as babies and toddlers. Cassandra will be my last baby and 3 days ago was the last day I had a baby to nurse. Very soon my 3 girls will be teenagers and the house will be quiet again, devoid of screams, whining and cries. I will not be a screaming mummy anymore (I hope so!). I will be able to enjoy my dip in the pool or work out at the gym at any time of the day I fancy for I need not have to worry anymore that my girls are alone with the maid at home. I don’t have to worry about their fingers being pinched by doors, that they will fall off the chair or get scalded by hot water. I will have a next set of worries to tackle then. That’s motherhood. And yes, I am also having withdrawal symptoms now!
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well, I will be feeling the same like you, cos my girls’ ages are more or less the same as yours…
same here… I think I’ll miss my babies in a few more years when they have grown up more and are able to talk back at me!
yes, I have the same feeling too. Whenever I see a new born and the thought of… baby no 3 crosses my mind… (slap my own face) close shop liao, stop thinking… actually I told hubs that he has to stop me if I start thinking irrationally about having no 3.
You sounded so right. I feel you and feel the same for my girls. This is so called motherhood.
Your post makes me appreciate my 8 month old girl so much more. Sometimes, I do think it would be nice if she grew up faster as it’s tiring carrying her around and watching her constantly as she’s crawling everywhere. But now I will appreciate this time better. Thanks for sharing.
‘Enlightened’! My little girl will be 4 soon… I am getting emo too reading this….
Thanks for writing this to remind us mommies how precious our kids are, from baby to toddler…then teenager, etc etc…