Cassandra is another water baby just like Alycia. She loves the pool to bits and is not afraid of the water but sadly, I can’t allow her to swim in the pool. After a post-surgery UTI attack in December last year, which was after a dip in the pool in Hard Rock Hotel Penang, I now have a phobia of allowing her to swim in public pools.
With God’s blessing, Baby is now free from UTI for over 8 months. Each time she sees her 2 jie jies getting ready to follow daddy down to the pool, this fella will zoom to her room, fish out her swimming suit, remove her clothes and wear the swimming suit herself. She will then plead with daddy in the most pathetic and heart breaking voice for daddy to bring her swimming that daddy will relent…. with a hug and kiss for his cutie princess first.. and then bringing her down to the pool. All these while, daddy will put Baby on an inflatable boat-like float or put her on his shoulders so that her bottom will stay dry. But yesterday, Baby was out of control. She was like a little mermaid released back into the water. She was kicking and trying to get out from the boat. Alas, daddy caved in again and took his princess out and allowed her to swim with an inflatable tube round her body. He even immersed Baby’s head briefly under the water and this little mermaid wasn’t even afraid. After about 15-20 minutes of whole body immersion in water and with me nagging till no end, I dragged Baby out of the water. She was screaming and yelling blue murder. I had to carry her up with her arching her back, struggling and bawling. She couldn’t get enough of the water and wanted to continue playing in the pool. She cried for at least an hour… all the way from the pool back to our unit to the bathroom and out from the bathroom… till her eyes were really swollen and nose runny. Sigh…. I pray that Baby will not get a UTI infection anymore. I pray that Baby can continue to swim and perhaps take swimming lessons next year. And I pray that the post-surgery follow-up check up with her surgeon next month will be A-Ok.
My cute little rascal with her Terrible Twos symptoms displayed 100%… and magnified loud and clear! Pray tell it will end soon,really really soon…
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Glad to hear that Baby C is has been free from UTI attack for 8 months. I hope and wish that Baby C will grow stronger and be the happy active kid as she has always been!
Have to do what is good for baby. Hope baby can soon join her sisters in the pool.
aiyo… poor girl..
cassandra has really grown up a lot! i really hope cassandra will stay healthy & strong. hence, she can join her jie jies swimming at all times
Poor girl… hopefully she gets the clearance from the doctors soon that she can finally swim…
She definitely will get better and better and better, and she is too cute.
Sure she will be fine…
Awww…poor girl. praying that all will be fine for her.
Check with the urologist…am sure he will ok her using the pool. When my dtr had the surgery, he never said anything, and I never even thought to ask. She did resume swimming lessons a few mths later. In the mean time, if there is a bath tub where you are, she can have a “swim” there. Don’t put any bubble bath in, maybe a few drops of vinegar to bring up the acidity ( I was going to suggest bleach, and before anyone screams at me, yes, it is done in hosp for burn patients, not a gallon of that stuff, just half a cup in a big tub).