I just remembered this very embarrassing yet funny incident that transpired at the supermarket of Jusco about 2 weeks ago. There were many booths offering free food sampling and rascal #2 went from booth to booth to enjoy the free samples.
There was a booth that offered sampling of coffee and rascal #2 quickly grabbed a small cup to try. It was quite crowded at the supermarket and suddenly a woman brushed Sher’s hand and she spilled the coffee all over the floor. Being a clumsy girl who spills drinks as often as she drinks them, her reflex action was instantaneous. She retorted in a defensive broadcast, “hey, that woman pushed me mummy, I didn’t spill it. That woman pushed my hand,really!!” It was so loud that everyone within 20 meters of the incident could hear her defensive yell. The one who was the most embarrassed was the woman. As she was walking away, she turned back and looked at rascal #2 and me. She looked embarrassed and felt bad. I had to hush rascal #2 up but at the same time can’t help laughing at my silly girl LOL!! I then asked my helper to clean up the mess on the floor with some tissue papers.
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Poor Sher. Hope the lady apologised to her.
Charmaine, nope she didn’t apologize
I like children, simply because they are so naive and innocent.
Oh..that lady did not even apologized?….
Atta girl Sher!! She definitely has a sense of right and wrong and will not be falsely accused! Shame on that woman for not acknowledging her mistake. Nice you and yr helper cleaned up. I think the store should have done it.
yer, that lady didn’t apologize to Sher?? that’s bad.
luckily the coffee didn’t spill all over her body…. haha. your no.2 is very cute…