I spent a big part of my morning, sweating and pulling my hair trying to get Baby to dress up and pose for me to snap her pix. My stock for the Suri Cruise (Magic Cube and Amissa brand) dresses arrived yesterday and some sizes are still up for grab, thus I decided that if Baby wore it, my customers can see the actual item. The actual dresses look better than the pix though… with some ironing, the dresses will look awesome!
It ain’t easy to get her to pose nicely and to stay still as this hyper-active rascal will fidget and jump about like any other toddler.
Here are some of the pix:
My kids will go gaga each time my kids clothes and kids stuff stock arrive…
Do hop over to my online store, Old And New Stuff For Sale to check out pretty girl dresses, smart boy suits and of course chic ladies clothing at prices you will love
The withdrawal symptoms were still pretty bad on Day 6. Baby refused to nap in the afternoon and for the first time in her life, she skipped her afternoon nap. By 9pm, she was so dead tired that she fell asleep on the couch with a bottle of Vitagen in her hand, only half a bottle drank. In the afternoon when she should be sleeping, she screamed murder each time I tried to bring her into the bedroom to nap. She spent all her time in the afternoon nibbling on snacks – biscuits, bread, banana, cherry tomatoes and Vitagen as if nothing seemed to be able to satiate her hunger, in front of the tellie… watching old videos taken of her 2 jie jies with mummy, daddy and her grandparents. She’s also resisting going to the bathroom to pee or to shower. Despite skipping her nap yesterday, Baby woke up at 5:50am today, sigh!! Whenever she’s up at this ungodly hour, my plans will be thwarted. So no gym for me today. Shortly after she woke up, rascal #2 also woke up at 6am. Both rascal #2 and #3 were entertained by the idiot box while I completed some work on the computer.
It has been about 5 days Baby is weaned off my boops. While she does not ask for my boops anymore, the withdrawal symptoms are pretty awful. From an angelic toddler, Baby has transformed overnight into a screaming, vengeful rascal, as if to get back at mummy for confiscating her comfort tools . She is resisting sleeping with me in the afternoon, resisting going to the bathroom to pee and shower, wants to munch on snacks the whole day and is very whiny. She’s driving me up the wall with her temper tantrums, so much that I am SOOOO tempted to offer her my boops again to placate her BUT I must stick to my gun. If I give in, the whole cycle will start again and she will never be weaned off my boops. Praying that things will eventually get better and she will be a cute, angelic and lovable Baby again.
A hungry 2.5yo Baby, eating non-stop to get over mummy’s boops LOL!!
Cassandra is exactly 2 years 7 months old today. Happy 2years 7 months old baby girl. Mummy will love you always, unconditionally…
Baby has been having withdrawal symptoms on the 3rd day she’s weaned off my boops. On day 2, she was alright as we were out shopping at Mid Valley Megamall for 5 hours. The withdrawal symptoms appeared since yesterday (3rd day). She kept asking to munch on snacks – biscuits, organic crackers, cherry tomatoes, biscuits again, kuih, fish balls and ice cream even though I had just given her a cup of fresh milk with a scoop of Dutch Lady chocolate formula. Nothing she ate seemed to satiate her burning hunger. Is she that hungry? Her mouth just had to move. Before she was weaned, her mouth was always moving as she was always latched on!
In the afternoon, she refused to lie down with me on the bed to take her nap. When I went near her, she closed her mouth tight with both her hands! She thought that my boops still have red chili on them muahahahaha! But I really miss nursing her. I miss looking at her cute face while she’s enjoying her fix. I have been giving Baby more hugs and kisses for the past 3 days to compensate what she’s losing. But my Baby is growing up.
Yesterday when I was at the baby department at Jusco, I missed shopping for baby stuff. I told myself that very soon, I may not even walk pass the baby department anymore. Suddenly, I felt emotional. My 3 girls have grown up. Though the first few years of taking care of small babies are very very taxing, stressful mentally and physically, I am already missing my 3 girls’ years as babies and toddlers. Cassandra will be my last baby and 3 days ago was the last day I had a baby to nurse. Very soon my 3 girls will be teenagers and the house will be quiet again, devoid of screams, whining and cries. I will not be a screaming mummy anymore (I hope so!). I will be able to enjoy my dip in the pool or work out at the gym at any time of the day I fancy for I need not have to worry anymore that my girls are alone with the maid at home. I don’t have to worry about their fingers being pinched by doors, that they will fall off the chair or get scalded by hot water. I will have a next set of worries to tackle then. That’s motherhood. And yes, I am also having withdrawal symptoms now!
…and it was a red cili padi that managed to scare my own little cili padi and prevented her from going near my boops. Today is Day 3. Hooray!!
I had wanted to wean Baby off my boops when she turned 2yo but just did not have the heart to do it as she seemed to have so much comfort whenever she had her comfort tools. But lately, her addiction to the boobies were getting worse. Whenever she is bored, she will come to me and ‘harass’ me with her suckling and fondling LOL!!! Can you imagine being fondled the whole night? I had been loosing sleep because of this. So 3 days ago, when I could no longer tolerate it any longer, I just took out a cili padi from the fridge and rubbed it on my boops in front of Baby and voila, it worked like a charm, like magic. Baby was terrified of going near by boops. She was reluctant to have her shower with me and even wanted to sleep with her mah mah and jie jies muahahahahaha!!! Bad thing is gosh, my boops now hurt from engorgement. Can’t believe I am still having engorgement after 2.5 years!
I was once a Human Resources Officer of a bank for over 8 years. During my 8 years in the bank, I had covered all areas of HR work from staff training and development to staff loans, staff compensation and benefits and my last stop was in the recruitment area. Though working in the human resources division of a large bank was stressful, I nevertheless enjoyed my stay there as I had wonderful colleagues. That was my first job and I had gained a wealth of experience from this department.
Of all the areas in the HR Division that I had worked in, I find that recruitment is the least I enjoyed. Workload was high and each time there was a recruitment drive (which was very frequent as staff turnover was high), everyone in the HR division would be working at full steam. I had to interview between 6 -8 candidates a day, put up recommendation to the respective division heads, perform employment checks on the candidates, et al. Recruitment was not my sole responsibility. On top of recruitment, I was also in charged of staff compensation and benefits. So can you imagine how over worked I was then? If only the bank I worked at outsourced the recruitment services job to a recruitment agency, I would have stayed on in the bank. I left the bank as I could not handle the amount of work and I felt that I was underpaid. Having said all these, I am still thankful that I had the chance to work in a bank as I had gained my maturity, strength and loads of experience there.
Who me? Yes YOU! You, Cassandra, the little thief in the kitchen!
Baby is getting greedier and greedier by the day and boy can she eat — snacks and junk food till no end. When it comes to eating a proper meal of rice and dishes, she will feign puking towards the last few spoonfuls of food. After cleaning her up, she will hunt for snacks – cakes, biscuits, Vitagen and her favorite fish Muruku. She is learning by example as Alycia is just like that!
I caught her pushing the dining table chair from the dining area to the dry kitchen to steal sunflower seed candies from the jar.
Caught in action with a mouth stuffed with sunflower seeds candies….
Alycia being my first born and hard-to-get baby was a precious baby to me. My life crumbled apart when she was about 6 months old. I will never forget the day during a routine 4-month old check up in the pediatrician’s clinic. When the doctor was examining Alycia’s hips, suddenly, he looked concerned, his eye brows furrowed and then in a serious tone, he told me that my baby had ‘clicky hips’ or Hip Dysplacia. He then explained to me the problem and referred us to an orthopedic.
For the next 3 months, I thought my happiness of finally having a baby came to an end. I did a lot of research on the internet on the condition. The more I read about the condition, the more depressed I was. Being a chronic worrier, my mind fast forwarded to the worst case scenario – that Alycia would need a hip replacement surgery when she’s a teenager. I had also read about the DePuy hip implant problems as the hip implants were defective. Long story cut short, I thank God that He had answered my prayers again. Alycia now has healthy bones and hips and did not require any invasive treatment, except that she had to wear double diapers for 3 months.
If you or anyone whom you know have had a DePuy hip implant, please let them know that the hip implant may be defective. However, they can pursue a DePuy Hip Replacement lawsuit and get a free consultation from O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath Personal Injury Lawyers by clicking on the link above.
I have warned by 2 older girls umpteen times that if I am putting Baby to sleep in the room, they are not to knock on the door, talk loudly or scream. Sometimes they listen but sometimes they don’t. They would really get on my nerves when they wake Baby up just as she’s about to drift into slumberland. When this happens, they can be rest assured to get burnt by spewing hot lava from an angry mummy!
See what Rascal #2 did here… I was putting Baby to sleep while trying to get a cat nap myself but this fler knocked on my door. When I did not reply her, she shoved flash cards and game cards through the door hole of my door….
While I was mad on seeing the heap of cards that was stuck between the door and the floor, I felt a tad bad that my poor Baby #2 wanted some attention from me too. Thus, she did this to draw my attention.