Day 6 Cassandra Is Weaned Off The Breasts

The withdrawal symptoms were still pretty bad on Day 6. Baby refused to nap in the afternoon and for the first time in her life, she skipped her afternoon nap. By 9pm, she was so dead tired that she fell asleep on the couch with a bottle of Vitagen in her hand, only half a bottle drank. In the afternoon when she should be sleeping, she screamed murder each time I tried to bring her into the bedroom to nap. She spent all her time in the afternoon nibbling on snacks – biscuits, bread, banana, cherry tomatoes and Vitagen as if nothing seemed to be able to satiate her hunger, in front of the tellie… watching old videos taken of her 2 jie jies with mummy, daddy and her grandparents. She’s also resisting going to the bathroom to pee or to shower. Despite skipping her nap yesterday, Baby woke up at 5:50am today, sigh!! Whenever she’s up at this ungodly hour, my plans will be thwarted. So no gym for me today. Shortly after she woke up, rascal #2 also woke up at 6am. Both rascal #2 and #3 were entertained by the idiot box while I completed some work on the computer.

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  1. i know it must be really hard on you but i can’t help laughing when i read that Cassandra eat nonstop due to the withdrawal symptoms 🙂 eating nonstop is better than being moody…hehehhehehe

  2. Wow, Baby surely can eat a lot… is that her way of rebelling? 😉

    Same here, the idiot box, esp Playhouse Disney Channel is my little secret weapon to keep her from disturbing me while I work on my blog. 😀

  3. How is it so far? I hope its getting 100% soon.

    Funny, i never had those moments of missing or closeness with philip when i decided to stop bf…

  4. I thought you would be very happy that she eats a lot, since she is so skinny mah…

    Hang in there, baby C would soon get pass her addiction…

    BTW, hop on to my new site for a giveaway…

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