Fascinated With Plasters

I was busy working on the PC and Baby was playing by herself. She went into her mah mah’s bedroom and rummaged through her drawers. Then she ran outside to the living room and sat on the couch. Then there was silence for about 15 minutes. I thought she was watching an interesting TV program but when I checked on her, I literally dropped my jaw (I actually opened my mouth wide in shock and in disbelief and then ROTFL) when I saw this:
























Plasters stuck all over her piglet trotters.  I burst out laughing in a guffaw when I saw her legs muahahahahahahahahah! And in her hands were a stack of plasters that she intended to open and stick on her legs and hands too had I not stop her. The next day she did the same thing… and the next… for a few days straight! We did put the plasters high up but this fella pushed her kiddo table to the cupboard, climbed on the table to reach for the Disney cartoon tatoo plasters that my MIL bought from Hong Kong!

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Our Pet Dog

My 3 girls love dogs, especially Cassandra. She always tells me that she wants daddy to buy her a dog. She thinks that a real life puppy is like a toy puppy. She said she does not mind sharing her playpen with her pet dog and would not mind the dog sharing her food too. But that’s a big no-no for me!

We used to have a pedigree Beagle who was very cute. We named him Happy but he did not live up to his moniker and was not a happy dog. Hubby bought him in an impulse purchase about 5 years ago. At that time, Alycia was less than 2 years old and Sherilyn was less than a year old. I had no time for the dog and hubby was too busy with his work. The dog was hardly brought for walks. Happy was always left at our backyard. Though I love dogs myself, I just could not afford the time to care for another ‘baby’ having 2 young babies at that time. Consequently, I think Happy suffered from dog depression and was always in and out of the vet. Hubby spent a fortune on Happy’s vet bills, pet medical supplies and pet grooming supplies. I coaxed hubby to put Happy up for adoption at the vet and he finally agreed to give Happy to a lady who loved dogs.

I still think of Happy very often and wonder if he’s still alive. We lost the contact number of the woman who adopted Happy.   Do you have a pet dog? How much do you spend on pet products for your dog? Having a dog is just like having another child and it is indeed another big commitment. I will perhaps have a pet dog again when my 3 girls leave their nest and I am all alone again.

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