Hot Temper

Guess who had a temper flare, pulled the drawer out in anger and yanked the entire drawer out? Thank God the drawer did not land on her feet, which were just inches away and thank God Baby was not standing near the drawer. Can u see how high the drawer was? It was the 2nd drawer of a chest of 5-drawer cupboard. She startled me and scared the sh*t outta me when I heard the loud bang on the floor. I thought Baby or Sherilyn had fallen from somewhere. And thank God the impact and weight of the drawer did not cause a big hole on the floor!

No. of times viewed = 329

Do You Detoxify Your Body?

Many years back when I first started working, I felt that my immune system was going downhill. I was very prone to throat infections and colds. I was always making trips to the company’s panel of clinics. A colleague of mine then advised me to go on a fruit and vegetables diet. In this program, she ate fruits only on an empty stomach in the morning. She also made juices from fruits and vegetables several times a week. She lent me a book on this program and I read it with great interest. I found out that by eating fruits, vegetables and fresh juices at the right time, this can aid in detoxifying our body as well as treat a whole range of disorders. Very soon, I followed the program too. Since then, I have been eating fruits only on an empty stomach or half an hour after food. The results were amazing. I felt better, slimmed down, had better complexion and the constant monthly throat infections no longer came to bug me.

All of us need detoxification to remove toxins, heavy metal and accumulated poisons from our body. We are exposed to these through the food that we eat and air that we breathe in. If your body is weighed down with toxins, you will notice such symptoms as fatigue, constipation, weight gain, bloating, digestion problem, among others. If you have never detoxified your body and don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables, it’s time you look for a detoxification program to cleanse your body.

No. of times viewed = 239