There is this little kiosk at Gardens @ Mid Valley that sells pretty hair accessories and clogs. The name of the stall is Tresor. They have an outlet at Great Eastern Mall too. Their products are mostly made in Vietnam. I especially like their range of Frangipani flower hair clips. When we saw the kiosk, my 2 little vain pots, especially Sherilyn went gaga over those hair clips and clogs! She wanted almost everything on display at the kiosk. After trying on a dozen of hair clips, she chose the frangipani flower hair clip.
And after trying on a dozen pairs of clogs, she picked this pink one ….
This frangipani hair clip cost RM8.90 (or was it RM15.90??), which I find pretty expensive for a plastic hair clip.
And I picked this pair of clogs / sandals for myself. Nice or not? Say nice lar
Daddy got himself a pair of original Crocs. I find the original Crocs too expensive and not worth the money. I normally buy my Crocs from the pasar malam, which only costs me RM12 – RM30 a pair haha! Why want to spend so much on plastic shoes right? Call me el cheapo!
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