Who? Cassandra! Yesterday… for a good 15 minutes in her jie jies’ bedroom and thank God she did not hurt herself.
I have always had a phobia of my girls’ fingers being pinched by doors ever since Sherilyn’s thumb was crushed by a metal door when she was 1.5 yo. The bone was a little cracked and the nail was yanked off. It was a terribly gory scene. Since then, I always make it a point to double and triple check that all the bedroom doors have 2 door stoppers on each door, ie. one U-shape stopper on the door and another stopper in between the bottom of the door and the floor. I even have a hook-type door stopper from Cosway for my own bedroom. My 2 older girls have a habit of removing the door stoppers so that they could close the door and have some privacy and mad fun inside the bedroom, especially when I am busy… and they sure know how to take advantage of the situation. This will usually drive me berserk and screaming on top of my voice. They love banging the doors and lock themselves inside, and invite Baby into the room to play too.
Yesterday, Alycia removed the door stoppers of her bedroom door and went inside to play with Baby and Sherilyn. Moments later, Sherilyn yelled “Uh oh mummy, Baby is inside the room and the door is LOCKED!!” I dashed to the room and my mil zoomed to get the bunch of keys. But sh*t, we have not yet labeled the keys and we had to go through 2 big boxes of keys, holy moly! Baby was knocking on the door and screaming to get out. There was a chair inside the room and I was worried sick that she would climb on the chair and fall off the chair. The worst case scenario ran through my mind… Baby fell and injured herself…. we can’t find the damn key to the door…. she loses consciousness…. we have to yank off the door knob with a big hammer… only to find her lying on the floor motionless. Boy, I tell yer, I can be very dramatic and morbid. Thank God after 15-20 minutes we found the damn key. I chided Alycia and Sherilyn like a mad woman cursing a criminal. My mil and I then tried all the keys for all the door and labeled them.
Good lesson learned for us … and for you too if you haven’t already labeled your door keys!
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gosh, i have this phobia too. thank god everything is ok. was cassandra traumatised?
Thanks God that Baby C is alright. Yes, when things like this happen, our imagination will run wild…
we don’t have much doors here .. but yeah we need to label it. And luckily she is okay.
That was truly a scary experience. I’m sure the older girls learned their lesson too. Maybe can try teach baby C how to unlock the door? Touch wood. At least that will keep her occupied the next time she’s accidentally locked in again?
Scary! I would have panicked and screamed at the kids too. But luckily is just your imagination running wild!
OMG, I can imagine your fear, since my kids were trapped in the car, sleeping off and din woke up at all. That’s a drama to me. I do label all the keys, and my kids know where to get the keys and open the door too, just in case any door is locked.
Lucky Baby C is fine.
I remember Fearles locked himself in his toy room once too, when i am out to look for the stock for my online store. Maid was at home, that time my kids are still quite young,, 3+, Fearles didn’t know how to open the door and he stuck it inside, end up hubs have to remove the whole lock, as we cannot find the spare key.
That sounds super terrifying!! I hope baby B was ok and wasn’t in too much of a trauma. 15mins is a very long time!!!
Thank goodness nothing unwanted happened and the key was found in time. This reminds me about myself being locked in the house by my hubby (I accidentally left my house keys in my car and hubby had already gone to work and locked everything up)! It was a house that we newly shifted into and hubby has the habit of leaving the spare keys a little bit here, a little bit there and none of them labelled. Some more I was rushing to work that time. My God, it felt like horror to me, some more got chided by hubby on the phone, so imagine if this happens to a young child.
Glad everyhting turned out well. Looks like it is a very common occurence. Happened to me too….I knew I had the key, so decided to have some fun with the kids. Told them I didn’t have the key, that they would have to wait till the locksmith came, and if he can’t come till the next day, not to worry cos I can still get food in and that would be pizza under the door, or pancakes for breakfast! HAHA! *bad mum!*
Another thing, serious now, is that all our bathroom doors have a tiny hole near the knob where u can poke a pin in to turn the lock if it is shut from the inside. Guess it is a safety feature..check if such locks are avail.
Luckily Baby C was ok. I had the same phobia too, and I always scare my daughter by telling her that if she ever lock the door (purposely!), badman (another term for bad people) goes into the same room and catch you!!