A Galore of Good Food

Ever since my mil came back from Hong Kong, I don’t have to crack my head to whip up food for my 3 kiddos. Everyday, there will be piping hot yummy food served on the dining table – twice a day. There will be cakes, buns and breads baked several times a week, oh goodie!! Kiddos’ finger and toe nails all trimmed by their mah mah and finally their private 24-hour Mandarin tutor is back!

Butter roll sprinkled with sesame seeds and cheese….

Banana walnut cake…

red bean paste as filling for the green tea buns…

green tea buns…

just out from the oven green tea buns…



I saw Digestive biscuits, cream cheese, fresh blueberries and chunks and chunks of cheese in the fridge. I think she will bake cheese cake or blueberry tarts next…. oh goodie!!



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  1. wow..your mil is superb. Look at those breads and buns…so professionally baked…Has she ever attended classes? I wish mine could be half as perfect…Long way to go for me… Can you ask her for the recipe? Can email to me? or is it a family treasure? heehee 🙂

  2. Irene.. tks for the compliment. She didn’t attend class – it’s her interest. For a bz working mum like you, you better not make these breads as they are left to proof in the fridge for over 12 hours. Then when it’s time to bake, proof for another few hours. She spends like 2-3 hours in the kitchen to make breads and buns! THen the washing up. Really very very tedious! I actually to buy from the bakery – so convenient haha!

  3. Shireen, you are so blessed, your own parents are so good in cooking and making those homemaded kaya. Your mother in law is also so good in baking and cooking. No wonder you have to stay so sporty and active, otherwise, i cannot imagine also.

  4. dont show off your MIL’s cooking and baking skills again, quick quick tapao her and send her to me… 😉

    I don’t really bake bread before got to knead too long, I just dont have the time to do this.. I want a bread maker…

    You are sooo lucky.. got a very talented baker and cook MIL…

  5. Sigh…I wish my MIL lives nearby too. She can’t help with the Mandarin department but I know she’ll cook up a storm too 😉

    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

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