I almost flipped when I saw my stock at the door yesterday. My husband needed a trolley to push the boxes of stock back. There were over 100 pieces of Doomagic pillowcases, Disney Storybook Pillows, Sesame Street Sunglasses, Thomas Train sets, headbands, clothes and many more. I just didn’t know how to get started. But I had a light bulb moment again *ting ting!@@* Since Alycia had just finished her final exam, I roped both my older girls in to help me and they were excited, really excited and happy. Each time my stock of kids’ clothes and kids stuff arrive, they will be more excited than me.
Here you go, my 2 earnest store assistants helping me and I must say that they are really good, even Sherilyn… who managed to help me count my Doomagic pillowcases and the figures all tallied with my record!
After a hard day’s work, I rewarded them with something that they chose from my stock – Disney seals for them to do painting / stamping.
The parcels all ready at the door step, for the postman to collect them today. This is just 1/3 of the stock. I have some more stashed inside my cupboard and some lying in the living room When my soon-to-arrive stock comes next week, I will put them into pos laju flyer bags. I’ll bet my 2 earnest helpers will be more than glad to help mummy out *thank God for giving me girls!!*
Do check out my online store website, Old And New Stuff For Sale or my Facebook page (Facebook is more updated with new collection!) for trendy ladies and kids clothing and cool kids stuff at prices you will love!
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