My little Scavenger

These days, I have to be very, very careful what I put on the dining table or on the kitchen counter top. Must make sure nothing non-edible or sharp are on the tables.  Baby’s eyes are super sharp, always on the look-out for forbidden food and stuff. Each time we walk away, this scavenger and opportunist will pounce on whatever food and stuff that we place on the table, just like a stray dog or stray cat. This had happened many times. She had pounced on our kuihs, chocolate Calcium chewies, scissors (and eventually cut her own hair!!) and other food that we don’t allow her to eat unsupervised, just when no one was watching.

Remember my durian post earlier? Well, I had taken out the pack of durians from the fridge to eat for breakfast and had forgotten to put it back into the fridge. When I stepped into the kitchen later, I saw my little scavenger up on the Ikea stool and happily helping herself to the durians HAHAHAHAHAH!

Caught on camera unaware….

After pouncing on the durian, she took a bowl from the kitchen drawer by herself….

Without wasting any time, she quickly stuffed the durian into her mouth… fast fast ate it before mummy took it away from her…

And then sat in front of the tellie to enjoy her breakfast HAHAHAHAHA! She’s just too cute!

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  1. That is cute…. at least she’s a smart one, she pick up things that she can eat. My girl (who is a month older than Baby C) will pick up uncooked rice from the floor and put it in her mouth! FAINT.

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