Of my 3 girls, Baby is the latest to be potty trained. Alycia was the earliest and easiest to potty train. As for Baby, I keep procrastinating potty training her, plus I just can’t find the time. Baby has a pretty weird habit. She would only poo poo in her diaper and in the weirdiest way ever. She needs to find a chair and then rest her hands on the chair while straining LOL! Bring a potty to her, she will resist her urge to poo poo! Our doctors had warned us many times that constipation will cause UTI, even in a healthy child with no history of Kidney Reflux. So I always give in to Baby’s request and allow her to poo poo in her diaper. As long as she poo poos, I will be happy, everybody will be happy! Baby still needs psyllium husk and Duphalac everyday to help her to poo poo 🙁
Trying hard to straaaaaaaaain… anyone who goes near Baby will get this from her “GO AWAY, don’t kacau me!” HAHAHAHAHA!!
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