Rascal #2 never fails to give us heart attacks each time we bring her out. Many times, just when we were busy in the midst of doing something, she would be out of our radar. She loves wandering away from us. My mil, hubs and I would always chide her off big time whenever she wanders away from us but this fella is never afraid. I have been frightening her with exaggerated stories of young kids being kidnapped but this does not seem to bother her very much.
Yesterday when I was busy checking the receipt at the check-out counter at a nearby mini market, she again zoomed off my radar… away to the corner of the road to look for her daddy. One time when I brought her shopping at FOS Times Square, she hid among the rack of clothes and I panicked like a headless chicken when I realized that she was totally out of my radar! She is like a mischievous pup let off the leash each time we bring her out.
Just now when we had finished shopping for fruits and veggie at the pasar malam and were at the car loading the stuff into the car trunk, she touched the hot exhaust pipe with her hands! Then with the black hands, wiped them on her dress!! This fella is really challenging and testing my already wearing thin patience to the max!
Know what? I am very, very tempted to get this safety harness and wear it on Rascal #2 whenever we go out, so that I know she’s safe in my hands!!
This safety harness is available at my online store, Old And New Stuff For Sale.
Kid Keeper Safety Harness = RM25
H19.5cm x W18.5cm, Safety Sling 78cm
Strap and Safety buckle adjustable, color box packing. Suitable for 10months and above walking baby.
ETA end of June 2010
No. of times viewed = 242
Having a child lost in sight and then having to look for him/her is the most heart pounding, nerve-wrecking, dreaded feeling in the world. Oh how do I know that? Because my daughter was missing while I was shopping with my sister. We ran around calling out her names and calling security to check their surveillance videos and was even close to asking them to close down all entrances. I was so afraid she was kidnapped! Thank GOD we found her wandering along in another different section of the store. From then on, I never let my kids out of sight. If I have to pay or looking for anything, I have them in front of me or I hold their hands.
Rose…I totally agree with you. That feeling is one of total panick to the point you feel like fainting!
OMG! she’s can touch the exhaust pipe with her hand? I am now understand your feeling Shireen if I am you I am sure will be very very angry too!
Vic that that a few times, and we kept chiding her, then once she did it on purpose even when i called her she ran further away, and i got so mad, i brought her to the police station. Do you scold no2? you know, really frighten them, they will remember for life ; )
dunno what to say…. hope she will outgrow all these soon. mean time, be patience
yeah, been there and done that too! I think the harness is a good idea..if the kid complains, and since she is old enuf to understand, then strike a deal..no harness but u must not wander away…non-negotiable. I believe there are radar-type bands out there that if the child is so many yards away, the alarm sounds. They have that for luggage..so am sure same thing can apply to kids.
I got 1 for Maine too… Some people stare and give remarks that I am treating her like my dogs. But they just don’t understand. It’s really really scary to have your kid wander off.