…. this fella will sapu everything she fancies from the kitchen drawers and cabinets and plays masak-masak with them…. she will even put them all into her potty as if it were a wash basin.
I felt like screaming my throat out when I saw those spoons inside the potty but but but, if she didn’t have such an entertaining thing to do, she would bug me and suck my boops dry LOL!!
When I was busy doing exam revision with Alycia and Sherilyn last Sunday, Baby was left to entertain herself with our spoons, bowls and plates placed inside the potty. But you think I am outta my mind meh? So unhygienic to put spoons inside a potty!! This potty is never used, though it is 6 years old. It was the first potty that I bought for Alycia but I found this fanciful potty impractical and never used it.
I am SOOOOO happy mummy ‘no eye see me’ play masak masak with the potty, he he he he he…..
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Hehe… your otherwise wasteful potty now turns into something useful… Baby C’s new fav toy.. Brilliant! 😉
She looked so pretty in the first pic.
When Phoebe saw bbC’s photos in this post, she said “wow, that’s a beautiful girl!”, hehe
IMx1… yes, brilliant toy and when she’s outgrown this toy, I will give it to someone who will make full use of the potty.
Sheoh Yan… thanks!
Mommibee… Phoebe’s a very beautiful girl too 🙂
OMG>…..spoons & bowls r inside the potty…Tats her entertainment stuffs…
ziyi got the same potty in pink colour… She used hers the other way around, so only need to pull the pants down half way…..
Well, at least the unused potty is being put to good use. 😉
i guess the potty is a big pot to baby c *haha*