I really do think so, don’t you? Whenever I dine at the restaurant, some how, my hubby’s food or my kids’ food taste better than mine! And Baby thinks so too. Give her a slice of cake, she wouldn’t eat it, give her some fruits, she’ll spit out. But if I ignore her and give the food to her jie jies, she will find every opportunity to peck on the food just when her jie jies leave the dining table.
Caught on camera….red-handed hahahahaha!!!
I had given Sherilyn a slice of cheese cake but this Ms Dilly Dally stepped away from the dining table. Baby who must have been observing her jie jie pounced on the cheese cake just like a stray cat the moment Sherilyn was no where in sight LOL!! I find this TOO funny. My Baby looked so much like one of those stray cats at the alley behind my old house who used to take every opportunity to pounce on our fish or chicken that we left at the wet kitchen LOL!!
Gobbling down the cheese cake before her jie jie catches her red handed and scream her lungs out LOL!!
What do you do to your used facial mask? Throw it away right? Find out what this pro-recycling freak does here.
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hahahahahhah she really did looked like a cat who just ate the canary! “Tao sek” always taste better mahhhhh
OMGGG!!! That’s like so true. When we are outside, I always find other’s food tastier.
Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side.
LOL! The moon is brighter in other country! ^-^
hahaha… same here, I always think hubby’s food is better than mine and I always take some bites which he doesnt like it…
she is so cute….like the 2nd pic when she was so absorbed at finishing up the cake…..:)
haha – i always experience that too, so now I order what hubby orders and it always taste good!!