Ice-cream Girls

All 3 of my girls are ice-cream lovers. In fact everyone in our family loves ice-creams. Who doesn’t like ice-cream anyway, right? During the height of Baby’s UTI infections when she was less than a year old and had to be on oral antibiotics everyday, she would not even want to go near ice-creams. I still remember very vividly I had bought all types of ice-creams (including the expensive Haegan Daz) to go as treats for Baby whenever she ate her antibiotics but she loathed at the sight and smell of anything that tasted like antibiotics, ice-creams included. Gosh, reminiscing those hard and painful days still cuts my heart like a knife.

Anyway, I think Baby has forgotten about her antibiotics days. She no longer loathes ice creams but loves them. She can say “ice cream” very clearly too. Each time we go kai kai, she will say “buy ice cream”. As I am typing this, Baby is on my lap latching on to her comfort tool and all of a sudden she said “I want ice cream”! OMG, there is indeed telepathy. She could read my mind and knows what I am thinking of and writing too!!

Baby and Alycia jie jie enjoying their mini Cornetto.

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Brunch At Sri Neela’s Indian Restaurant @ Taman Desa, Old Klang Road

My 2 older girls love Indian food and anything that is spicy. However we don’t always eat spicy food for fear of ‘heatiness’. My 2 girls have inherited their daddy’s DNA; they get throat infections and ‘heatiness’ very easily. They were worse when they were younger. Now that they are a little grown up and their immune system a tad stronger, they don’t fall sick every month anymore *knock on wood*!

Anyway, last week after running some errands, we went to Sri Neela’s for brunch. My girls, including Baby enjoyed their roti meals very much, and so did moi!

Deep fried chicken drumstick  and deep fried super crunchy bitter gourd – love them. I have always love Indian deep fried chicken, albeit they can be pretty expensive. See the glass of cucumber shake there?  It’s really refreshing and great way to expel the ‘heatiness’ from eating Indian food. If you go to Sri Neela’s, you should try their cucumber shake (no sugar but with a pinch of salt).

This tosei cheese is really tasty. I can whack the whole tosei with cheese all by myself.

My cucumber juice (different from cucumber shake) and teh C tarik with no sugar. 

Alycia and Sherilyn gulping down their ice lemon tea with double straws.

Baby enjoying roti tisu. It was her first time eating roti tisu and she whacked almost the whole crispy roti by herself!

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