Two days before her 2nd birthday, Baby kept asking me this “where’s my birthday cake?” On her birthday yesterday, she woke up in the morning to everyone giving her hugs, kisses and lots of birthday wishes and happy birthday songs. After her shower, she did not even want to wear the clothes she normally wears at home and demanded to wear her kai kai clothes *roll eyeballs*! She knew it was her special day and she thought we would bring her kai kai the whole day.

For days, Alycia kept telling me that she had to make something for Baby. Alycia and Baby have this very special bond and Alycia really really adores her baby sister. So at the eleventh hour in the evening just before we went to the restaurant for dinner, Alycia locked herself in her room and ransacked her drawer for stuff… stuff to make for Baby and to give Baby as a present. When I opened the brown box (which I have no idea where she found it), I almost fell off my chair bursting out laughing. Inside the box were 2 keychains with a sports car hung on each of the keychain…. HAHAHAHA!! She had no proper paper to make Baby a birthday card, so she made do with whatever bits and pieces of paper she could find in her drawer and wrote Happy Birtday (with the letter h missing LOL!)

Though this is really hilarious, I think it is very, very, very sweet and thoughtful of Alycia to have planned such a present for Baby. When Baby opened the box, the excitement and joy on her face were just PRICELESS. Baby exclaimed “my preshent!” with the proudes and happiest look on her cute little face.

Pic taken at the restaurant. One present was from daddy and one from khai yeh (god father). Both the girls’ god fathers were at the steamboat restaurant.

Daddy searched high and low for a Barney toy or bag for his Barney-crazed little girl and finally got her a small lilac Barney bag…. which Baby had absolutely no interest in 

Instead, she was besotted with this remote controlled car that emits sounds and lights which khai yeh Daryl bought!

Daddy dearest got his angel a Barney And Friends butter cake with marzipan and candies….
Me and my sweetie-pie.
Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes for Baby. I’d also like to thank PL for the big ang pow for Baby. You’re really one helluva thoughtful friend who never fails to bring cheer to Baby and have touched our life so much.
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