Tell me, do you think a kid will go malnourished if she just eats bread with cheese and coconut jam (kaya) + 1 glass of milk everyday and nothing else? Probably not eh? Bread is carbo + protein, cheese is calcium + protein and kaya is high in protein + carbo. Hmmmm, maybe I’ll just serve this little girl with bread + cheese + kaya everyday till she screams fed up. I tell yer, this girl just lurves this stuff and if my mil doesn’t complain, I will just feed her with this everyday haha! It’s fuss free, stress free, she’s happy and I’m happy
No. of times viewed = 584
You forget to mention that Sher is getting her fibre from the wholemeal bread too !!
what’s wrong with that ? nurtritous wud.. and kids can afford the calories.. my daugther see also ‘lau hau soi’ but cannot eat…
Everyone is HAPPY, why stop?
You should really try to let her have this everyday until she jelak
Ha.. love her expression, just so in love with her bread! You mean she eats this 3-4 times a day? Salute.. salute… Hehehe…
As long as she likes to eat, no problem at all. You can add vitamins in her daily intake by giving her fruit and veggie.
She does have a funny taste bud, the fusion kind.
haha she has a weird taste. My mil did this b4 for my nephews. I guess she just wanna enrich the bread with more nutritious cheese + peanut butter, cheese + jam… I told her just gave them 2 pieces of bread with different bread spread. keke
hmm….what does that taste like ah? hehe. see if i dare to have that combo one day.
hey, not bad…. seems healthy to me.. now seeing this, i wanna eat bread too!
Sherilyn has interesting taste – cheese on top of kaya….
looking at this entry, reminded me, it’s time to make some kaya for myself.
u shld b happy dat she’s eating, mine dun take breakfast during school days onli drink milk
I don’t encourage habits like this esp as I have a super fussy eater but hey, my Hubby can actually survive on bread and peanut butter for breakfast for ONE year. I know I can’t!!! LOL