I have been extremely busy the past few days. Was busy with:
1) Orders from my blogshop
2) An enquiry from a customer from California who wanted to purchase 25 pieces of clothing from my blogshop.
3) Busy replying emails.
4) Busy calling / texting / emailing my suppliers.
5) Busy coaching Alycia in her homework. In the beginning, there was not much homework given. However, things have changed now. Homework is getting heavier by the day. 2 days ago, Alycia was given 2 worksheets to complete at home. The worksheets consisted of Math, BM, English and Mandarin and each set of worksheet had about 10 pages!! Alycia stayed up until 10ish pm to complete her work, then I hurried her off to bed. The next morning when she dragged herself out from bed, she was so sleepy that she sat at the dining table chair with her eyes closed and could not bring herself up to drink her milk.
6) Busy coaching Sherilyn in her homework and teaching her Math.
7) Busy bringing Baby to the potty and washing her up after each pee. With Baby, I have to make sure that she pees very frequently and her down under is squeaky clean to prevent another UTI.
8) Busy coaxing Baby to pee, to poo and to wear clothes that she’s supposed to wear at home. This I will blog in another post. This cutie pie is slowly transforming into a rascal as her 2nd birthday is fast approaching.
9) Tried to blog-hop to at least 3 blogs each day.
10) Tried to update my 3 blogs. For my health blog, I have to do a lot of reading to find interesting health related articles.
11) Spoon-feed Baby formula milk.
12) Still run and exercise at least 30-40 minutes every morning without fail.
and sigh….. I don’t even have time to finish reading the newspapers.
Have no time to ‘p8at’ in Facebook
No time to visit blogs that I really wanted to visit
No time to finish last month’s Reader’s Digest
No time to read the Bible … can’t even remember when the last time was that I read it *forgive me God*
No time to do things that I love to do
Here’s a pic of rascal #2 who had dozed off on the couch. This rascal hardly takes her nap in the afternoon now. By 9pm, she is normally so sleepy that she would doze off at the couch while watching TV.
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such a busy day..tkcare of urself !!
buzy with the growing biz and growing kids =) take K!!
you are definitely busier than a buzzing bee!!! *hehe*
salute U!!! U r a superwoman la!take care!
9pm is a fantastic bedtime for kids. Better a good long night rest, than a short nap and not-long-enough night sleep that gets her cranky in the morn.
wah….each order is getting bigger and bigger ler…good that u decided to go into online shop business
wow such a bz schedule n so much to do!!
Salute you la, coz with just three kids also my online store didn’t materialize, so does my baby signing thingy..just couldn’t afford the time. And you are doing so great with your online stores and maintaining your blogs.
Now with 4 kids, I lagi no time for all these
Good to hear ur blogshop is doing well. Keep it up
Your kids are growing nice and pretty 
Oh you are really busy coaching your girls. All the best! Soon it will happen to me too.
You sound really busy! The one who is busy has no time to be sad or worry. Good for you! Hehe.
you are really making full use of your time. Busy with business yet not neglecting your kids.
Good year for you! Busy is better than nothing to do. And some more you can earn extra money!! Good luck.
busy is good
sang yee hing loong !