Ever since Baby had her very first UTI attack when she a mere 7-week old infant, my life has turned to an almost 360 degrees. When the first MCUG scan showed that she had a grade III kidney reflux when Baby was about 2 months old, I felt like a gunny sack filled with a ton of bricks landed on my shoulders and got stuck there. My life has since been very Baby C-centered and my goal was to save her right kidney at any cost. Day in day out, I worry about when she will get another UTI attack. For those of you who have been following my blogs, you would have read that Baby had UTI attacks almost every single month of her life since she was 7 weeks old up until her surgeries in May 2009. My 3-week stay in the hospital with her in May 2009 was a living hell. Up until today, not a single passes by without me thinking of our days in the hospital.
Till this day, I still feel very emotional whenever I look back at the photos of Baby in the hospital with tubes all over her body after her surgeries. The past 14 months of Baby’s life had been too much for her and for me to bear. Sometimes, I felt like I was very depressed when anxiety hit me. Every single ultrasound scan, x-ray and radiation scan that Baby had to go through, I felt anxious for days before those tests. Waiting for the results was overwhelming. I hope I will never even have to go through those days again. If I have to go through them again, I think I will need to get Xanax footballs or Alprazolam 2mg bars to control my anxiety attacks. I can now buy Xanax online to get relief for my anxiety. I have been praying to God everyday that Baby never ever have to go through another surgery for the rest of her life.
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Don’t worry too much !!!
just let the past be a past. baby c will be healthy & strong now on
I totally get what u are going through…..whatever u do, do NOT buy any drugs, let alone prescription medications online!! Please talk to your family doc..maybe he/she can help u. I know it is easy for me to say “relax”, but that is it….the UTIs are not caused by normal external conditions, more so from the internal architecture. It is definitely NOT caused by what u did or didn’t do! Take time out to enjoy Baby and not overwhelm her and yourself with too much attention on UTIs. See, even the specialist can’t figure out why she still gets the occasional infection. Maybe it is a fluke. Maybe it won’t ever happen again. With regards to cloudy urine, it could be contaminated by whatever is on the outside as the urine exits. That is why for a “real” urine specimen u have to go thru all those wiping and whatnot to avoid external contamination…even grown-up “girls” have to do the same too for proper specimens. I hope this helps u out.
wishing Baby C grow healthier and u worry lesser.
may baby grow up healthy and strong..