I started feeding Baby with rice and dishes about 2 weeks ago. Here’s her ‘official’ first bowl of rice with dishes:
Brown rice mixed with white rice, fried onion omelette (my 3 gals love this dish and love onions!), pan fried fish and stir-fried organic cabbage… not forgetting a soup of the day, which is a must for her everyday!
With only 6 teeth (2 bottom, 4 upper), she can eat pretty well, though I have to cut everything up into smaller pieces. I’m glad I didn’t blend her food to porridge consistency from the start (though I was so very tempted to and almost bought a blender) and now she can eat on her own quite independently. Each time I was tempted to blend her food, visions of Baby following rascal #2’s foot steps would flash across my mind.
I made a mistake by blending rascal #2’s food up until she was 3 yo and our previous maid spoon-fed her every meal until she was 3 yo. Now, she still needs us to feed her towards the end of the meal and has a habit of storing food (especialy rice with dishes) in her mouth!!
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