Not exactly a good way to begin my new year on the first Monday of the year. I woke up at 5:30am with a nagging discomfort in my abdomen area. Felt like pooing and felt nauseous. Since 5:30am, I have been purging more than 10x up until now. It must be something that I ate at the Le Meridien Hotel buffet over lunch yesterday, either the raw sashimi or the cendol. On a bright side, my weight has dropped from 46kg to 45kg since there’s almost nothing left in my guts
Alycia woke up at 6am and I managed to get her ready by 6:40am. She’s quite independent and disciplined, unlike rascal #2. Everything went smoothly on her official first day at school (she had 2 days of orientation in school last week). But her teacher still thinks her hair was too long for the school’s standard (blah!) and told her to either cut it short or tie a bun (for Pete’s sake, how to tie a bun with such short hair?!). I chose the former and daddy brought her to have her hair trimmed. She’s now sulking over her short hair, me inclusive!!
Rascal #2 did pretty well in school. I hardly have to worry if she’ll cry in school coz she’s a social butterfly, ever so cheerful and happy and she even cheered up her new weepy classmates last year.
As for Baby, I am really upset that she has a bladder infection. Her pee smelled a tad foul and looked cloudy since yesterday afternoon. I texted my surgeon and he suggested that I sent her pee for a test. The initial urine FEME test showed a WBC of 16-18. I am still hoping that her body can flush out the bacteria on its own without the need for antibiotics. The surgeon and I are equally perplexed as to why this is happening as the MCUG scan showed she has no more kidney reflux and the ultrasound scan done recently looked good too. This is her first UTI after her surgeries more than 6 months ago. I suspect that it’s caused by her swimming in the Hard Rock Hotel Penang pool 2 weeks ago. You know how much bacteria is teeming in a public pool, moreover the pool was flooded with people.
Alycia with Baby at Le Meridien yesterday. Baby was sucking on a wedge of lemon.
How was your first Monday of the year?
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