The more you do it, the better you are at it, that’s Math! Once you stop, your brain tends to get dense and you need lots of practise to start the momentum again. I get Alycia and Sherilyn to do Math equations everyday or at least every other day.
4+2 is ….. four is bigger than two, so put four in your head. Take out 2 fingers, after four is five, six. So four plus two is six.
Here, Sherilyn is solving some Kumon Math additions, which is all about repetition and lots of practising. I don’t send my gals to Kumon class (too expensive). I bought Alycia and Sherilyn some Kumon Math workbooks from MPH, which are not cheap either.
Do you send your kids to Math enrichment classes?
CNY is less than a month away. If you still have not bought any clothes yet, do check out my online store. I’ve uploaded pix of some new arrivals – both free size and larger size trendy clothes that you’ll love!
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oh.. this kiasu mom will go back to msia soon and get some kumon work book too. Yes, practice makes perfect!!
Justin has just finished this book! Over here, Kumon is even more expensive than in M’sia, so I’m not sending my kids there too, unless it’s really necessary.
Kumon is too repetitive. Inopi is better. Math Monkey I have no idea… maybe THAT will turn the kids into a monkey
I do send my to Kumon Math when we were back to KL during summer holiday. My SIL kids is in Kumon Math so i ask them to keep the worksheet for me and i will rewrite it for my son to practice…good idea hor
i have a problem even to get vic to sit down for 5 minutes to concentrate… how to get her to do all these maths, which, btw is my fav subject? when’s the best age to let the kid start these enrichment subjects, eg mandarin and math? 4, 5 or 6?
wow, your girls are really smart. i hardly practice maths with ash
eh, u also teach ur girls math that way? to count from the head. i only got to know that is how the daycare taught rye li when she was doing it at home which i found out it’s too cute! coz she’ll go “4 on my head” and then she’ll tap “1-2-3-4” and count the remaining numbers on her fingers to get the final sum. LOL!
I totally agree with you. I use Singapore Math workbooks and A Word Problem a Day with my kids to supplement their school’s program called Every Day Math. I also some great, free web math games their teachers assigned them that are actually fun. I blog on this at See blog entries: Math Workbooks; Multiplication and Division; Adding to Ten for the links. We also tried Kumon (hated it! too repetitive) and Score! (did not really help) before settling on a home method. I checked out Mathnasium in Newton and it looks really great. If I could fit it into my schedule, I’d pick that one. Others in my neck of the woods swear by Russian Math. Haven’t done that one. Pragmatic Mom
Maybe you should blog about asking your reader to put your online store link into Google reader or any reader. I do that and I can see your latest products.
hi shireen, i commented abt putting raw and cooked food together but it never came out. what do u think abt that, even tho we have air tight containers? my mom used to be so particular that she even wrap plastic bag over airtight container keeping my breastmilk at one stage.
Michelle… tks 4 your suggestion. I shall do just that!
Irene… Oh, I did not see that comment, maybe it went to my spam mail. I am very particular about putting raw and cooked food together in the freezer. That’s why we have 2 huge fridges at home! One freezer is to put all the raw meat and another freezer is to put ice cubes, cooked food in airtight containers, frozen breads, ice-creams, etc.
ok, now i know where to get the Math exercise book. During last long school holidays, i write the question page by page and ask my boys to do, and i do it two sets.
Thanks for sharing!
shan leo attends kumon maths for the last 3 years. its getting tougher now, and mummy says she will have to stop it next year when he enters std 1.
i remember mummy always make a copy of shan leo’s worksheets so that she could give it to shan rae next time