CNY Cookies

2 weeks ago, we bought our first jar of CNY cookie to ‘pong chan’ (help to patronize) the very nice girl who sells veggie at the pasar malam. It was a jar of almond cookies. Several days later, hubs bought several jars of cookies from his supplier (pumpkin seeds, mixed nuts and double chocolate). Boy, they tasted SO good and I’ve been gobbling them every morning for breakfast. I can’t eat them when my 2 older gals are around coz they would get distracted by the cookies and ditch their lunch or dinner. See, being a mother, you have so much to sacrifice. I even have to eat junk food that I love inside the kitchen or when they are not around, just so my 3 gals can’t see mummy eat junk food and get distracted LOL!!. Of course I will reward them with cookies when they have finished their proper meals.

Anyway, back to the CNY cookies. I bought some more cookies to ‘pong chan’ the lady who sells ‘chai’ (vegetarian) at the roadside yesterday morning.  So pitiful right, gotta toil and sweat under the hot sun or get wet in the rain to sell ‘chai’ and cookies.  It’s this box of almond flakes-pumpkin seeds-black sesame seeds crisps with syrup.  They taste really, really good and half a box is gone!  I’m planning to buy more cookies from her.

My hubs also ‘pong chan’ the sundry shop owner who kept advertising this bottle of deep fried crispy crabsticks. They taste good too but too salty, so I have hidden it so that my gals can’t steal them LOL!!

What’s left of the double choco cookies and almond cookies.  Another bottle of pumpkin seeds cookies was walloped a week ago. 

I am planning to buy some more cookies next week, this time from the woman who sells newspapers by the roadside.  Pity this lady who was cheated on by her ex-husband.  Every year, I would buy cookies from her to ‘pong chan’ her, though the cookies are expensive.

Have you bought your favorite CNY cookies yet?  Or you’ve already walloped them all?

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